About The Blog:
What kind of camera do you use? I shoot all of my pictures with my Nikon D60 and the standard 18-55 lens
How long have you been into photography, have you ever taken a class for it?
I picked up my first DSLR camera back in January of 09, and we have been inseparable ever since! I have never taken a class on photography, but I did acquire a few books, and print resources from the web!
Where do you get the inspiration for your DIY projects?
I usually scour through magazines, and saved photos on my computer to recreate things I can't afford [or would rather make] whilst putting my spin on it!
Do you buy all of the products you do reviews on?
Indeed I do! I have many more that I still need to write reviews on, as I was once a product junkie. In the event that I receive a product for free, it will clearly be stated in the review.
About The Girl:
How old are you?I am twenty-eight years young!
How long have you been natural?
I have been natural for over ten years, however I didn't start taking care of my hair until late 2008 [I was about "arm pit length". Check out this video to see pics and commentary on my hair journey.
Why did you decide to embrace your "natural hair"?
Honestly I wanted to be more secure with me, I was really a slave to my hair. It got really frustrating planning my outings around my hair appointments. Dodging the rain, avoiding pool parties, and feeling less attractive without my hair fried, died, and laid to the side. Not to mention my hair was suffering as a result of feeling like I couldn't leave my house without my hair bone straight.
Did you do a Big Chop?
That is a pretty tricky question; I got my first and last relaxer about 10 years ago. This was at a time when I didn't really take good care of my hair. Because of this, my transition was terrible. I lost most of my hair due to excessive heat, lack of moisture, and abuse of weaves. - I had about two inches of hair to work with after that, from that point I wore braids/weaves until my hair was about arm-pit length. This took a considerable amount of time because I was using heat several times a week, getting my color touched-up quite frequently, and other abusive hair care practices.
When you did finally start taking care of your hair, what was your hair regimen?
My regimen during that crucial time between Dec 2008 - Dec 2009 was to use as little heat as possible (I used heat about 4 times last year). I survived on braid outs, twist outs, and the occasional bun. - I shampooed and deep conditioned my hair once a week, and did protein treatments about once every 6 weeks. Keeping my hair moisturized was key in retaining length, I moisturized my hair every other day or so. Trimming my ends was also very important, I didn't want see through ends, so I braved the shears and got about (2) 1 inch cuts last year.
What are some of your favorite products?
Check out this post!
What's your secret to length retention?
You're in luck; I have a post dedicated to length retention!