Friday, October 1, 2010

Giveaway for Naturals + Transitioners

Happy Friday! - In celebration of my feature on Essence.Com as one of the 10 Black Fashion Bloggers To Watch, I decided to sponsor a giveaway! I appreciate all of you that read the blog, tweet about it, tell friends about it, email friends about it; word of mouth is definitely a powerful thing. The support that I have received since the beginning has been amazing, and I thought I would give back by offering a giveaway that includes some of my favorite things.

I have diverse readership on the blog that spans from natural to relaxed, to transitioning. So to celebrate that diversity there are two distinctly different prizes. - This contest will run until: October 17th 11:59 pm

There will be two winners; Our natural winner will receive:
  • Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo
  • Keracare Humecto
  • Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding
  • Jilbere Seamless Shower Comb
Our transitioning or relaxed winner will receive:
  • Elucence Moisture Balancing Shampoo
  • Elucence Moisture Balancing Conditioner
  • Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue <--This works EXCELLENT on relaxed/transitioning hair
  • Jilbere Seamless Shower Comb
To enter;
  • If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

  • If you are relaxed answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone to maintain a healthy head of relaxed hair?"

  • If you are transitioning answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

  • You must be subscribed to the blog [Right hand side, you will see a box that says "follow with friend connect" - hit the follow button and voila!]
  • Don't worry if you have the same answer as others before you! 

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  1. Awesome giveaway!
    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say have patience. No matter how much you do or how many different products you use your hair will only grow so much each month. So be patient and eventually all your hard work will pay off :)

  2. - The single most important thing I could pass on would be to learn to love YOUR hair. I think the process of finding products/ingredients/styles that work best fo helps you to love your natural hair. Especially when it's new, learn to embrace whatever grows out of your scalp and don't try to force your hair to be something it's not.
    Trust me, someone is forcing their hair to be like yours, and so on...
    just try to treat it well, and I promise it'll be good to you back :)

  3. I'm natural. I would tell a new natural not to compare their hair to other naturals. Research different products and find what works best for you. Thanks!

  4. Natural answer: The single most important piece of information I can give is to embrace YOUR texture and have no expectations going into your journey. Also have patience, especially if length is concerned, hair will NOT grow overnight.

  5. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    Hate to be an old record, but I was going to say the same things as LaMaraVilla and KC. Learn to accept and care for your hair and be patient! Don't expect your hair to grow to APL in 1 year, don't expect your hair to have flowing curls (someone's might, but yours may not). Go in with an empty canvas and start painting based on what YOU HAVE!

  6. Congrats on the feature! Well deserved! And thanks for doing this giveaway!
    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say that you should change your mindset about natural hair. Natural hair has a sheen, not a shine to it. And depending on your hair type, your hair might take longer than expected to grow down. So be patient!

  7. The single most important piece of information that I can share with a new natural would have to be have PATIENCE. Dealing with your natural hair texture is an experience. Take the time to study your hair. Enjoy trying new out products and styles until you find what suits you best. Whenever you feel discouraged, look at the tons of resources out there and look at other established naturals for inspiration.

  8. I LOVE your blog! Such an inspiration! If I were to give a piece of advice to a transitioning person like myself I would say: Don't be afraid to move forward with this journey. There will be "twists" and turns, knots and tangles, but the anticipation of the discovery of your true beautiful texture and yourself, for that matter, makes it all so worthwhile. I am so excited!

  9. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    At the risk of sounding cliche, I found this to be the best piece of info I could give, and I give it to transitioners and those considering going natural all the time.
    Try not to be self-conscious about how your hair will be in its natural state. You were born with all the curls and coils in the world! Embrace it. It's beautiful. You're beautiful.

  10. I have been both a relaxed queen and a transition beauty and the best advice I can give is DEEP CONDITION, CONDITION, AND CONDITION SOME MORE!!! We tend to get lazy sometimes and don't want to invest the time needed when desiring healthy hair whether we are natural, relaxed, or transitioning. LEAVE-IN CONDITIONERS ARE NOT ENOUGH!!! The key to healthy hair, regardless of texture is to treat your hair, the way you would desire to be treated: with love, tenderness, and dedication!!

  11. Transitioning: Embrace all the emotions that come with transitioning because as with life change is good but change can be uncomfortable, awkward, weird, etc. But once you have "arrived" (natural hair state) you will feel so great about the decision you made and it will have made the journey all the more worth it.

  12. I love this! I can't wait to read all the comments myself!

    The single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is PATIENCE YOUNG GRASSHOPPER! This covers so much as you are going through the transitioning process & are finally ready to do your BC, you are so full of emotion. You've been reading everything imaginable, watching how-to videos on YouTube for endless hours & chasing every natural in town trying to find out their Holy Grail curl defining secrets. You want every product/technique to work immediately! You want to fall asleep & wake up with waist-length coils! You want it all & you want it now! In 6 weeks flat, you're frustrated and sitting in your bathroom floor surrounded by products, flat broke & with split ends like nobody's business because you came flying out the gates too soon! Take your time and just ride the wave to see what works for you, your budget and your curls! Once I learned to be patient and document what was working for me, my regimen became flawless and my hair began to flourish!

  13. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    If I could give someone just starting to transition any advice, I would tell them Congratulations on taking the first BIG step towards becoming a Natural you. Transitioning is going to be HARDWORK and take ALOT of DEDICATION, but the Reward in the end will all be worth it.When Transitioning you have to realize not only will you have to change your old hair care regimen , but you must also change your way of thinking. Whatever you use to do to your relaxed her probably will not work for your natural hair.You will need to look into Protective Styling, as Transitioning Hair is Very Fragile. You also need not to be afraid when your combing out your hair and some of the relax pieces are breaking off of the natural root.Essentially, transitioning is the best time for you to learn about your natural hair and understand exactly what it can and can't do.Transitioning is difficult, you will have to deal with your emotions and some people may also have an opinion on your hair too, but once you've gotten over that hump You will see the Beauty of a Natural You.

  14. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    take care of your body AS WELL as your hair. putting the best products on your precious locks will have little effect if you are not taking care of yourself as well. this means enough sleep, enough water, and a good balanced diet. yep, i sound like a think of it that way and MOMMY YOUR HAIR!

  15. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The only advice I could truly give is to remember that the initial decision to go natural is their decision and theirs alone. I say this because many times in the natural community we have issues loving our natural curl pattern, worrying about the backlash and stigma from family, friends, relationship partners and the general public, as well as throwing money into fruitless products because of baseless promises. So to put it bluntly, leaps and bounds are ahead. Yet, if you can find it in yourself to take that leap of faith and to do the big chop whether transitioning or not - you, my sister, are strong behind what you can imagine. And that fact alone should help you along your journey. YOU made the decision. YOU must live with it. YOU must thrive in it.

    Be well, sisters.

  16. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say to take time out and love your hair, dont be in a rush to clean, style, or do whatever. If you put the time and effort into loving and moisturizing your hair then it will be good to you!
    Also dont be afriad to ask other naturals how they did this style or what products they use. This is a perfect time to meet someone new and get educated on natural hair, there is nothing better than getting new informaion and then going home and trying it out (style/product) for yourself.
    Last but not least enjoy the experience (all the good and bad) that comes along with being natural. You made the personal choice to take this route in your life so enjoy it. The journey will be well worth it :)

  17. as a transitioner (transitioning from heat damage - blow drying & pressing since I was 13, )i would tell others to be patient, not to worry about what others say and think, and be sure to maintain your regimen. Proper maintenance will ensure the results that you are working for so hard for. Oh and don't spend a ton of money on products. Just get the basics and work from there.

  18. Do your research--consider the source of all information. Research topics related to the structure of hair and hair product ingredients. Find out what hair needs and what ingredients will fulfill those needs. Consider scientific sources as well as companies who sell hair product ingredients. MopTopMaven has a number of sources when it comes to purchasing hair product ingredients.

  19. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Well, I would have to say that it is important to find something for support; whether they are friends, family, books, hair blogs/ hair albums, websites, magazines, etc. This will not only inspire you, but reassure you on your decision, even on those days when you think you've lost all hope, your support system will be there to carry you through. A lot great information and health tips can be found out this way as well, and this will help you in learning about your own hair as you fall deeper and deeper in love with it day by day.

  20. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Don't be afraid of making mistakes or trying new styles. Some of my signature looks happened because I decided to experiment and just go with it.

  21. Natural: I would tell anyone going natural...."look at the natural person to your left, then look at the natural girl to your right. And realize your hair will not look exactly like their hair, your hair wil not grow as fast or slow as their hair, and finally your hair may not curl like their hair but its your hair!" Embrace your fellow natural girl and accept beautiful self...

  22. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    Get to know your hair and grow to love your hair. One of the most beautiful things about being natural is that every head of hair is unique and beautiful in its own right.

  23. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I don't have information per se, I have an example of encouragement

    I came across a quote the simplified and gave me a peaceful existence on my journey, sometimes a few simple words can evoke power and fire in one's spirit effortlessly

    This is my answer
    First the quote,

    " A mother who radiates self love and self acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter AGAINST low-self esteem."- Noami Wolf

    Second the encouragement(information if you will)

    My daughter is five, we live in the burbs, of course she is surrounded by long blond hair and blue eyes, my daughter has a BEAUTIFUL head of curly hair,(she get it from her mama lol) one day while sewing in my 14" yaki straight, she said mom, "I want my hair like yours".. I said "your hair is like mine"... she says "No"! "the other hair" and point to the weave... My heart sunk soo low...

    How can I tell my baby she is beautiful and her hair is beautiful, but I am sewing someone else hair on my NATURAL hair..see my hair has been natural for 15 years, and I have worn weaves for the same length of time. It took that comment for me to stop sewing " Sue Ling's" hair on my beautiful curls. So I put down the hair and stepped away from the needle and thread. And been on a revolutionary, self discovery since.. I LOVE IT.

    How could I show my daughter her beauty when I masked my own?? now we are two twist out.. bantu knot, braid wearing super nova's.. She has never made a comment like that since..hallelujah !!!!!

    Information is good, Encouragement is better, showing your daughter self love through something as simple as hair... priceless..

  24. I am reading everyone's responses (although I am relaxed) and I love them all!

    In my opinion the key to maintaining healthy relaxed hair is to understand the needs of your hair. Is it dry? Is it fine? Does it lack protein? Paying attention to things like these along with the proper research, you are able to test out different products to see what work for you! And in terms of research, the internet offers EVERYTHING! TGFG(Thank God For Google), blogs, as well as even magazines are good aids, especially when it comes to reading and understanding what ingredients will help you on your journey!


  25. My advice to transitioners:
    Patience is definitely key!! There are times where you will be frustrated with your hair, times where you will want to give up and go back to relaxing and times where you just feel like you look a complete and total hot mess!! But you have to remember your ultimate goal, whether its a journey to find yourself, have healthy hair, something spiritual, or if its just a way to show yourself you can finish what you start (which is why I'm doing it. I always seem to give up on things...) keeping your end goal in mind will get you through these tough months. Especially if you're not doing a BC.

  26. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone to maintain a healthy head of relaxed hair?"
    Establish a weekly cleansing and conditioning routine. Keep hair moisturized. Never sleep without a satin scarf or pillowcase.

  27. Natural Answer:
    1. Besides patience being one of the more obvious answers, I would say while transitioning, treat your hair as though it was already natural. Being a product junkie is not the answer to "achieving desired looks". Don't compare your hair to the next natural around you, but learn to embrace your hair as its own.

  28. As a transitioner who is about to celebrate her 1 year, the single most important piece of advice I would lend to someone thinking of transitioning is to have patience. Patience with your hair and yourself as you learn about the new hair texture you see and the new you that you will be getting to know, is key. Patience when learning what products and regime work best for you will be forced beacuse unfortunately no one gets it right the first time. You will even need patience with things like washing, confitioning, styling, and combing your hair. While I am not one to discourage anyone from making this decision, as I am sure no one who has regrets doing so, if you dont feel you have the patience to dedicate, you may want to wait until you can devote yourself to the process. If you start when you are not quite ready, one of two things will happen. Either you will be forced to discover that inner patient you or you will end up with a nightmare on your hands. Trust me patience is key. And like they say..Good things come to those who wait!

  29. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Allow your hair to be itself and not fight with it. Allow it to do what it does, naturally.

  30. The single most important piece of advice I'd give to someone starting out on her natural hair journey is to buy it in sample size!! DO NOT waste your money buying every "next best thing". If you have products that work, but you REALLY REALLY want to try a certain product, buy it in sample size first and if it's an improvement, then get the regular size.

  31. As a natural I would tell someone that this journey requires tons of patience. You will have a lot of trial and error with hair products and trying to figure out what works best for you. It may be frustrating, but it is all worth it just have patience and enjoy your journey.

  32. The simplest information for natural newbies would be..."Don't conform to the ways of 'naturals'." Love the hair that God gave you. Focus on YOUR hair and try not to obsess so much over other's, especially in regards to length and curl patterns. There is a lot of available and valuable information that can be beneficial to naturals in general, both beginners and vets, but you have to learn how to navigate around the world of bandwagons and trends. Appreciate what's growing out of your own scalp...instead of someone else's.

  33. As a 2nd time transitioner I would say that a key tip would be to have no expectations. When I transitioned the first time I wanted all of my deep conditioning and careful hair maintenance to result in little spirals. I did this only to find out that was not my true texture. I spent countless dollars trying to make those spirals appear. It is best to love and accept your hair as it is. It will really flourish once you let it be itself.

  34. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    my best advice is use a leave-in conditioner after washing. i've learned that keeps my hair moisturized which is important for healthy hair and growth.

    2nd, 3rd- love your texture; dont compare. sleep on a satin pillowcase :)

  35. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    my answer is to just do what works for YOU, dont always try to do what others do.. sometimes you must find your own 'groove'. this starts with not wanting someone elses hair, you have what you have and youre beautiful regardless. so if you have 4a & 4b hair [like me] dont try to emulate someone with 3a/3b hair. love YOU love YOUR HAIR and do whats best to keep it healthy and fly ;-)

  36. NATURAL ANSWER---please try products to see what works for your hair, and do research until you find what helps manage the healthiness of your hair. Dont judge your hair dont give up on the natural beauty...and sterotype what your strands are suppose to look like. God numbered the hairs on your head you are beautiful...short hair long hair, faded, kinky, or curly...he took the time to make you...take the time to learn how to care for it in its healthiest state! bring some patience on this journey you will need to pull it out of your nap sack from time to time...:)

  37. Natural answer: have a good balance of protein and moisture! Low maintenance styling is best for natural hair. Leaving your hair alone helps retain length. Handle your ends with care :) trim regularly to get rid of those nasty splits!

  38. NATURAL ANSWER: Don't be afraid! Because this YOUR hair, it is right for YOU.

  39. Natural: my biggest advise to give a newly natural is to at least give it two years. You have spent years being relaxed and it takes at least two years to truly see your hair texture and to learn your hair. Also be patient and when you get frustrated do a protective style.

  40. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Don't try to treat your natural hair like you were treating your relaxed hair. LEARN how to take care of your hair in it's natural state before getting flustered and giving up. It's a learning experience!

  41. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would have to say is keep it simple. I know you'll be tempted to try every product mentioned but you will end up frustrated in the end. Don't jump on the bandwagon and do your research as this is your own personal journey.

  42. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    When you look into the mirror, remember "I'm incredibly ordinary" - Victoria Beckham. God created only one you with a unique mane, there is no shame in being different, especially when it comes to being YOU. Embrace your hair, remember it is a part of you, but it doesn't make you. On maintaining it, do what works best for your hair and don't sweat over what works for other women. We are all different. Don't be afraid to experiment, with trial and error, conclude great results. Water was once an enemy, it is your best friend now :-)

  43. Transitioning Sista...Giveaway

    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    Make sure that you are doing the transition for “YOU.” I recently decided to transition to natural hair from having been relaxed for most of my life. The opinions of others on how I shouldn’t go natural and what I would look with natural hair didn’t faze me because I was, and still am confident in the decision that I made. Those who are planning on transitioning have to remain secure and self-assured about the decision they make. This rule not only applies to those who are transitioning, but also natural and relaxed.

    Fierce n’ Love,

    Brittany Rosette

  44. Hello All! :-)I simply LOVE this Blog by the way.

    I have been Natural for just over a year now and the single best piece of advice that I could give to a new natural just starting out on their journey is....TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE. Dig deep into the reasons that YOU wanted to go natural, what are YOUR goals and plan of action? What looks would YOU like to achieve, what level of heath do YOU want to accomplish? Notice there is an emphasis on the "YOU" because that's all that matters. If you are in tuned with your confident self, your hair, and your goals then your jouney will be a fun, exciting, and an interesting ride full of lessons but no regrets.
    Take it from me...


  45. Healthy hair comes from the inside out! Sometimes we cast so much attention to loving our outsides that we neglect our insides. Show your body some love and give it the vitamins and minerals it deserves. :)

  46. From a Naturalista:

    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Love being YOU! Some people will stare, lovers will snicker and friends will clown, but as long as you realize that curly-kinky goodness on top of your head is your crown, queen, you are the belle of the ball.

    Oh, and don't forget to condition, trim and moisturize when necessary. It may help to seek help from a natural haircare specialist for a little while to find out what products/styles work best for you.

  47. My most important piece of advice for a new natural would be to read the first few chapters of Let's Talk Hair by Pamela Ferrell. Those first few chapters will change your mindset about natural hair forever. I read it when I went natural back in 1999. I went from a short afro,to shoulder length two strand twists,to dreadlocs,and back to loose natural hair. NO negative comment or bad hair day made me run back to the relaxer. It was because that book changed my mindset. No LYE!!!!

  48. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    Give it time! In the process you'll learn more about yourself and might even find you're going through a positive change; I know I did!

  49. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone to maintain a healthy head of relaxed hair?"

    **As a woman who has been through hell and back with my relaxed hair, I wish I would have known what I know now concerning my hair. One of the MOST IMPORTANT tips I have gotten and would give to almost any relaxed lady is to be sure that your hair is well MOISTURIZED. Water is your best friend inside and out. Dry hair and a dehydrated body will lead to thirsty, breaking hair and therefore making it just about impossible to have healthy hair that retains beautiful lengths. Properly moisturized hair will result in shinier, softer more elastic hair that makes it much easier to style the hair without fuss. Learning and practicing this has helped my hair in many ways, health being the most inportant one!

  50. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Put on your seat belt; it's going to be a bumpy ride! You're going to learn so much about your hair, you as an individual and get to know your more creative side. Being natural for me has allowed me to look deeper into who I am and what influences me. The fact that I don't look like everyone else; makes me feel comfortable making choices unlike anyone else.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Realize this is a journey. Often we are so focused on the end, we don't take time to enjoy the journey. As you travel this road, you will discover things about your hair, your relationships, and most of all, Your self. Take in every moment as it comes and in those you will discover you.

  53. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Try to be patient with your hair and learn it as you go through the transitioning process ... Also, mkae conditioner your best friend... Mak sure you are around positive people that support your transition, because the negative talk will discourage you!

  54. Relaxed: The single most important piece of information I can give to someone with relaxed hair is to deep condition the hair. Deep conditioning always keeps my hair soft and moisturized and it allows me to better maintain the two textures of my hair when I stretch out my relaxers.

  55. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say single strand knots happen to everyone so don't panic. I thought I was odd or something because they kept popping up, but it's just life.

  56. Newly naturals! PLEASE wash and detangle in sections, especially if you have some length when you big chop. If you try to tackle your curls/kinks/naps(i use the term affectionately) all at once, both you and your hair will be in tears by the end.

  57. The most important information I could give someone who's just starting out their natural hair journey would be to be prepared for the scrutiny and to love yourself. It sounds so simple but it's not. Being from a mixed background (Half African- American and Korean), I've struggled with my identity and "comments" from many people like; "Your hair is weird, it's not completely nappy but it's not really silky either" or "Your hair is too nappy to go natural," really didn't help.
    On August 15th, 2010 I BC'ed and I honestly love my hair. I mean at first I cried. I had never seen my hair in its natural state and I "expected" the curls to just come together after the first wash. Boy, was I wrong. It took about two weeks for the curls to finally clump together.
    I advise new transitioners to love their self because that's really all you have. Everyone will have their opinions, but yours matters the most. Being a freshman at a predominately white college and surrounded by African-American females with relaxed hair, I felt so out of place, ugly, and even "boyish" for my short locks. But after getting a comment from a relaxed female telling me how much she loved my hair and wish she could transition; it hit me. It doesn't matter what people think, it fact the ones who glare might indistinctively be jealous. You have to learn to accept your culture, your hair, and yourself to be truly happy. It took me a while but now I absolutely love my hair. I mean...who wants to look like everyone else anyway?

    Also, I used to read this quote everyday until i started to believe it...It might help:

    “Women of other ethnicity’s, their hair falls by nature. It drops, and drapes, and hangs loosely. But a Black woman’s hair rises by nature. It blossoms against the current of life. At its best, it swirls and spins like the earth, or the sun – a supernova of sublimity and strength. And like any other heavenly body, a Black woman’s natural hair demands nothing less than orbit: total praise from every physical thing within her influence, all revolving around her omnipotence – instinctively, humbly, and altogether. Whether dynamically drifting, or stationary and rooted, every living thing that finds itself before a Black woman’s natural hair is designed to stare and wonder."

  58. First of all congrats on the feature. I feel like my sister or best friend was nominated lol. I love what you do and wish you so much success in the future.

    The most important thing I would tell a sista girl starting out on their natural hair journey would be to learn what your hair loves. Its easy to get caught up in being a product junkie when you first start out on your journey. Learning what product ingredients do to your hair and how they work can make all the difference in having a head full of healthy hair and hair that breaks easily, sheds more than normal and just lacks that "ummmph" that we all want :)


  60. Love everything about yourself and embrace it! There are so many different textures and types of hair. I feel you should love yourself and everything that includes you totally, because your transitioning hair and natural hair may not be what you initially expect or want it to be. Once you understand that your natural hair is a part of you, and begin to love it, the transitioning process will not be as hard. Once you love and understand yourself and your hair, you will be able to understand that certain products do not bring out the full potential of your BEAUTIFUL natural hair. The concept of loving and understanding yourself, will teach you many valuable lessons as you go through this journey. Through this journey, you will meet many people that do not agree with the path you have chosen for you and your hair. By loving yourself totally, it will not matter what they think or feel. In addition, discard of the hair views of society, that naturally silky and straight hair is the only way to embrace your true beauty. What will matter is how you feel. Transitioning is not a change of hair; it’s a total change of self. So to refer back to the question, the most important piece of information I could give someone is, fully embrace your true NATURAL beauty and its blessings to come. You are different, your hair is different, and you are beautifully unique. Love yourself and understand that this process of transitioning takes time. Not only for your hair to healthily transition back to its natural state, but for you to transition along with your hair. Embrace this journey, it’s a beautiful beginning for your hair, and the new you.

  61. I'm a natural, and the single most important piece of information I can give, is to have A LOT of hair pins handy. Trust me when I say as a natural girl, you will probably have more failed attempts at hairstyles, in the beginning, than successes. Hair Pins definitely help to hide disastrous twist outs, or damp bantu knot outs!

  62. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Hmmmmm, I would have to say to enjoy it! The natural journey is such a beautiful one. Soak it all in, enjoy the beauty of the hair that God has given you, and remain positive thoroughout the process. Embrace yourself completely. I notice that natural hair is usually a natural progression towards overall wellness and this is always a wonderful thing. I am newly natural, and I have learned soooooooo much about the body through my research of natural hair. It's a wonderful journey, and one that I plan to continue.

  63. From a new natural: If you are stressed out during the transition, don't be so quick to run back to the relaxer... hide your hair (braids, wigs, weaves, buns, twists, etc...), do more research, ask more questions and just continue the journey... before you know it, you will have a head full of beautiful natural hair!!!

  64. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Be confident and make LOVE to your hair. Your hair gives you the extra confidence you need when you just aren't having a good day, when you wanna land that job, or we just feel like looking good. Its okay too look different and your natural hair is just that. Make love to your hair, try new hair do's and new products, you may not know what to do because your a newbie, but keep at it and you'll get better. :-) When you put those two together, you have Confident LOVE and that's exactly what you and your hair deserve. CHEERS!!! :D

  65. I am currently transitioning and I would tell others that are thinking about transitioning that "you are not your hair". While it may sound corny - it has so many truths. And while this may be a frustrating period, just remember that the end result is well worth the struggle. least that what I tell myself! ;)

  66. As a natural, the most important thing piece of information I can give someone is to be honest about your definition of beauty and not to be afraid to alter that definition. It's no secret that we have been and are still being told (and shown) what beauty is. Define it for yourself as it compliments who you are. You will then have the much needed patience to research and find the right products, CARE for your hair, and enjoy all the nuances that come along with being natural. The difficulty is when you try to make yourself into something you are not...that's when disappointment can set in and have you back on the creamy crack with one phone call to your (ex)stylist (no dis to my relaxed sisters)! YOU are beauty. so enjoy it:)

  67. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I'd say to love your hair as if it is your baby. Be patient with it; learn it's likes/dislikes. Choose to sacrifice a funky hairstyle every day in favor of protective styles most days, and don't constantly compare it's length or curl pattern to another natural's hair. I think the most important aspect of being a natural is looking in the mirror AT ANY STAGE of your journey and telling yourself (and you hair) how awesome and beautiful you are!!

  68. If you are relaxed answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone to maintain a healthy head of relaxed hair?"

    As someone who's been successfully relaxed/texlaxed for about 30 years, my most important piece of information I can give someone about maintaining a healthy head of relaxed hair is to MOISTURE DAILY. Moisture is such a huge piece of the puzzle when maintaining relaxed hair, and if you can get your moisture in order, your hair will thank you for it.

  69. Congrats on the feature!

    Question:"What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Answer: I would say to accept your hair for what it is. Love your texture and don't be afraid to experiment with different styles. The best thing about natural hair is the versatility. It can be straight one day and curly the next. Take it a day at a time and enjoy every moment of it!

  70. As a natural one of the best advice I would give someone is to be confident.

    When I started my journey, my mother told me I was not going to be beautiful. My boyfriend told me he will not find me attractive. But I had the confidence to cut all my hair off. Needless to say, when I came out of the salon, men were screaming and calling me out. I got couple of numbers and showed my mother and my boyfriend. NOW they beg me to wear my hair out, but I tell them that I fear for breakage.

    Confidence is key because it radiates your inner beauty.

    And then you can buy all the products that Nicole

  71. The single most important advice I can give a newly natural women is to NOT get caught up in all the hype. As a newbie you will be borbarded with advice, dos and dont, want to be miracle products and gimmicks. Don't allow all the information to consume you in turn risking the health of your hair product hopping.

  72. The most single important piece of advice for someone beginning their natural hair journey is: don't give up hope! In the beginning, your hair probably won't look like to imagine it will. Keep the faith, and continue to care of your hair. Also, find out what works for you! There are many products and tips out there, not everything will work for your hair.

  73. Do a mental transition as well. Learning to love your hair requires patience, diligence, and appreciation for what God hand-picked for you!!

    (I'm transitioning as well)

  74. Natural: make sure to detangle your natural roots if you are transitioning! When I transitioned I often ignored my roots because I was super afraid of breakage but clearly that doesnt make any sense. Detangle or dreds will form and you will end up spending more time getting those out.

  75. I have been natural for all of three months, after a 5 month transition. The best advice I would give to a natural is to learn what products work best for your hair and don't compare! Nik, thanks for all your selfless tips and advice.

  76. The most single important piece of advice for someone beginning their natural hair journey is:to simply have fun, enjoy the reason why you went natural for and don't compare your natural curly hair to others. I have noticed that a lot of black young ladies always say they want a certain type of curl pattern to look good/ to have "good hair type." I hope that others can learn that thier hair type is beautiful and never give up, because the end results are wonderful and it would be silly to lose that just because of the way your hair looks! (:

  77. When you decide to go natural it is a true transition process, not only for your hair texture reverting back to it's natural state but also a mental transition, your mind going to a natural state. This process requires alot of patience with your hair and yourself. As hard as it is try your best not to compare your journey with anyone else's. As with anything we achieve our personal victories at different times. Hence the word "personal". Be patient, Be kind and show love to your hair. And you also will get to your personal victory!

  78. I have always had natural hair. I have worn extensions for almost ten years and as a result my hair became very damaged. I recently took the braids out in August and statred on the journey to growing healthy hair. I wash and deep condition my hair every week, but I still experience breakage. I know that my hair needs lots of TLC because I literally neglected it by hiding under braids. My advice would be to have patience, and continue to love the hair that you have. Black women are so beautiful and versitile. We need to start loving ourselves for who we are, and stop conforming to what others think beauty should be.

  79. As a transitioner, 4ab ish, nearly 10 months post, the single most important piece of advice I have is to keep it simple when washing. Don't wet your hair every day. Wash, condition, and get it into a style and leave it for the week. Frequent washing might feel good but the manipulation of back and forth hair strand swelling can do way more harm than good. It can aggravate porosity issues, lead to more tangling, and increase the frequency of developing knots in the hair. Focus on making each weekly wash a quality experience and then leave your hair alone.

  80. Transitioners: A word of advice from me to you! and also from me to me! I am constantly encouraging myself along this hair journey.

    1. Be proud of the "U" in You-- Unique
    2. Embrace the inner beauty first for all to see this manifest as your outer beauty.
    3. Follow the MopTopMaven for all things natural.
    4. Rock that TWA!!!

  81. The most important advice i can give a natural is this: It will get better!! Our hair is special and beautiful and while you may think its hard work to keep up the maintenance on your style trust me the day will come when its all worth it!!!

  82. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Well the bible says "love others as you love yourself." You have to love who your are you can't change what God gave you. Natural is a blessing given to to black women as a gift. It is what makes us stand out. I would say dont change yourself for others to except you. If you dont love yourself nobody will. baby rock your curls!!!! lol

  83. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair?"

    If you focus your journey on health, long length is inevitable.

  84. Congrats on everything Nik, you've done a great job and this blog is grand!

    I'm natural & I'm going to keep this short and sweet, because overall, this is what I want to tell any natural head and even transitioners to get comfortable with not always having straight hair. I think once someone grasps that straight hair is not end all, be all, they can properly navigate the ins and outs of Afro type hair, real talk. Get used to and comfy with wearing your kinky hair in other styles and learn to love it and jazz it up

  85. The single most important thing I can tell someone who is transitioning is, patience, Patience, PATIENCE! Wait on time and your hair will grow. When you are detangling, be patient and be gentle with your hair. Don’t get frustrated and violently run the comb through your hair. If you set a goal to transition for a certain amount of time, stick with your goal. You will be so happy you did.

  86. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I'm gonna say what I told my friend's younger sister (who gets a little self conscience about her fro) in Wal-Mart yesterday...
    When I first went natural back in 10th grade, lots of people said they liked it, others thought I was crazy for cutting my long hair, and many were just plain haters that said I needed a perm. Two weeks later, those same haters were trying to be natural and sport the same styles I wore (but without the Love every part of you because you're already awesome, but with even awesome-er hair. Trust me, those haters are gonna turn into your biggest followers.

  87. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    BE PATIENT. It sounds simple but it will be the hardest thing to ever maintain. Especially if you see photos and youtube videos of other naturals with long natural hair looking like Diana Ross. Enjoy each state of your naturality :D

  88. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    This piece of advice has to do with confidence. Never ask anyone what they think of your natural hair. Having someone tell you they don't like your hair means nothing. They may just not like that style. But who cares. If you think it's hot, act like it's hot. And when you get a compliment, say thank you!

  89. I would tell a transitioner to not try and make their new growth look like their relaxed hair, instead try to make their relaxed looked like their new growth. This way they are already starting the process of learning to do natural styles such as braid outs. Plus less stress would be placed on the natural hair thus lessoning the possible heat damage.

  90. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    After spending 20 months transitioning to Natural hair, i have so much to say. I have been only FULLY natural for 3 months. The most important thing I've learned is to "LISTEN TO MY HAIR!" So many times we are using products that we see other ladies using. What works for others may not work for you. You really have to listen to your hair. It sounds crazy, but your hair will tell you what it needs...

  91. For natural hair--- you have to fall in love with it. Have the kind of motherly love that makes you want to care for it, indulge it, and put in the time and effort to make it the healthiest head of hair it can be no matter what anybody says about it (like when the kid is stubborn and bad as hell but the mom still loves him anyway haha). If you do, it will love you back and won't hesitate to reward you :)

  92. I would tell a new natural to love and respect their. Treat it with gentle kindness and it will grow, grow, grow!!

  93. For someone transitioning the advice I would give them is to be patient. It's going to take time but you'll be so happy once it's all over.

  94. I have been transitioning for close to 6 months and the single most important advice that I can give to a new transitioner is to BE PATIENT!!! I had no idea what I was in store for when I started my journey. Transitioning hair requires lots and lots of TLC. Don't lose hope no matter how frustrating it gets. I just think about the beautiful head of natural hair I will have and it makes the journey all the more worthwhile :-)

  95. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The biggest piece of advice I'd give is to DO YOUR RESEARCH. Learn as much as possible about natural haircare and practice, practice, practice.

  96. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I've been natural for almost 6 years, and the one thing I would tell them that natural hair is a labor of love. One that requires an immense amount of patience, patience. I think a lot of transitioners give up because they don't really take the time out to learn their hair. But once you take the time out to figure out what your hair needs and wants (yes wants), it'll be a lot easier on you and your hair will flourish!

  97. If someone that is thinking about transitioning... I would encourage them to reaffirm daily their reason for going natural- whether it be for healthier hair, increased self-awareness, or just trying something new. It is so important to remind oneself why the decision to transition to natural was made in order to be strong enough to stick with it.

  98. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Every morning when you wake up, look in the mirror and tell yourself, "I am beautiful." Words are so powerful.

  99. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    This question is interesting for me as i've just started my natural journey.... I've been what I call a serial transitioner for years, growing my hair out and then being punked back into a relaxer once the two textures got too difficult to manage. This last attempt I was serious, i transitioned for a year and did my BC on August 11th! The one thing that i'm definitely practicing now and would encourage other newbies to the natural hair journey to do is *have patience.* This is indeed a journey, i'm learning about my hair as i grow, what it likes, what it doesn't and what it craves... it's definitely a progress but i'm excited about it! I also encourage us newbies to have patience with growth, Maven you're my hair crush, i can't wait til the day when my TWA is BSL and all the style options i'll be able to try... but i realize that i must nurture my hair and give it time, and as long as it's healthy it'll grow!

  100. As a person with natural hair... the best thing I can say to anybody is to believe in yourself and be patience... People will say "Don't do it" or why you are doing it or they might say "You are going to look like Buckwheat!!"...Never ever doubt yourself and be insecure...If you are falling into their own insecurities... When you finally do your BC, everything will fall into will feel like a brand new person....With natural hair...its like that quote from Maroon 5.. "It's not going to be rainbows and butterflies..its compromise..."--You will have your good and bad hair days...but if you have patience and take care of yourself and your hair...everything will eventually be wonderful..

  101. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE CONFIDENCE! I remember when I FIRST went natural and the thing that changed my entire outlook on my short kinky natural hair was a video I saw by SheaCocoaLove on Youtube. What she said was sooo simple, but made sooo much sense-- 'If you think your hair is ugly, everyone else will feel the same.' You have to express confidence in the way you look. Carry yourself in a way that commands respect, (even if you AND others aren't completely comfortable with this new look yet). It changed my thinking forever!! I learned very quick to love my hair, accept it the way it grows out of my head, and how to work with it. :]

  102. Transitional answer: Transition more than just your hair, transition your life style>>>

    Transitioning usual starts off with the general superficial motives, for me it was simply wanting longer thicker hair. Then everything about me began to transition as well. I realized, to achieve the lengths I wanted, I needed to attain inner health. I began to transition everything from the way I ate, to the way I perceived my self and natural hair. I went from a girl who ate horribly .. to one who looks at every label of every item that's encountered. A sucessful transition requires knowledege. Do you really know WHY you are doing what your doing? When you ask that about your hair, hopefully you will begin to use that scope on every aspect of your life. Transitioning your lifestyle will make you informed, empowered, with luscious locks, glowing skin, and a radiant attitude!

  103. If you are transitioning answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    I would say the single most important thing I can tell someone who is thinking of transitioning is to make sure your in the right mind state and that your doing it for you. People will always feel they have a say in what you should do with your life and likewise in this case your hair for women of color. People will try to discourage you from going natural and might even tell you your not pretty because your not doing the mainstream thing but just remember its about you doing this for you and getting your mind and self out of what your parents or society has conditioned you to believe about your god given hair. You are not your hair, its just a part of you, and this journey will help you discover so much about yourself and build your confidence.

  104. As a natural, I would definitely say: have patience, do your research, be gentle with your hair and learn to appreciate your hair texture. Try not to compare your hair to others, however finding hair "twins" can help a lot to find out new techniques to care for your particular texture or to discover new styles to try :)

  105. I'm natural, and the best advice that I could give to someone who's transitioning is not to worry about the negative feedback! I promise that the positive feedback will outweigh the negative!

  106. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    2 words: ENJOY IT!

    No matter what they intend to do with their natural hair or how long they allow it to grow, they should enjoy every moment (the good hair days and bad) that they have their hair.

  107. Single most important piece of info for someone starting their natural hair journey:

    Listen to your hair! Your hair will benefit a lot if you take care of it from the beginning. Learn by trial and error what your hair likes, doesn't like, if it's dry, over-moisturized, etc. Figuring this out from the get go will make your journey so much easier down the road because you will be able to avoid any possible future setbacks. Happy hair growing!

  108. From a natural:

    Stay strong, do not get discouraged! Take your time and find out what works for you. What may work for one person, may not work for you. Utilize the internet. Youtube videos are amazing. There are so many ways of gaining information. Treat your hair as if it is a newborn baby. Nurture it and it will continue to flourish and thank you for it!

  109. From a relaxed sistah:

    I would say, from experience, it is okay to take inspiration from others' regimens, but it is really important to 'listen' to your own hair needs. I ran with a lot of things and I ended up worse of than when I started. That was because I was using products that were working for others and not paying attention as to whether those products were beneficial or not. I hope this helps someone :)

  110. First off, hello and gracias for having the contest :)

    Natural Answer: what works for others may not work for you, so don't be discouraged. Find a hair stylist that specializes in natural hair that can assist you with finding a regimen that you can maintain on your own.

  111. A great amount of Patience (depending on your objective) and some TLC.
    Read and learn about your hair, about the products. Find out what's right for you.

  112. As a newly natural, I'd say love your hair as it is. Texture, length, the whole nine yards. Your hair won't change texture or grow overnight just by wishing. Enjoy what you have.

  113. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The single most important piece of information that I can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is that being natural is not just a hair transition but a mental transition. I have been natural for two years and I still have not fully transitioned mentally. In my opinion, it takes a lot of courage to be natural. One has to go against society's ideal of beauty and redefine what is beautiful in her own words. You have to understand that "good hair" is nonexistent, straight hair isn't the only beautiful hair, and that your curls may not be like someone else's. Negativity comes with being natural. Some people won't understand your reasons for making such a bold choice [going natural] and will say ignorant things. You have to learn to fight that negativity with love. You have to keep your head up and understand that you hair doesn't define who you are as a person. Natural hair is beautiful, and the natural you is beatiful as well. You have to mentally transition in order to love yourself in the natural and to stay natural. If you listen to to the negativity, you won't be natural for long. Take the time to learn who you are through this time of transition and enjoy your natural journey. I'm learning new things about my hair everyday. I have my days when I want to break down, but I keep it moving because I know that I'm on the path of mentally transitioning into a new me.

  114. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say to love your hair! A lot of woman dont want to transition or go natural because they don't think their hair is "good enough". Everyone has good hair its just a different type of good. Once you learn to love yourself with kinky or straight hair you'll be much happier all around. I'm natural but I wear my hair straight 95% of the time. Not because I like it better straight but because its easier for me to maintain, I flat iron it once a week with my CHI, then wrap it every night. But thats why I love your blog, it give great tips for maintaining all hair types & I can figure out how to maintain my curly locks better. :-)

  115. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    When transitioning you are dealing with 2 completely different textures of hair causing it to be at it's most fragile state, so detangling will be a major challenge. We want to avoid as much shedding and breakage as we possibly can so detangling is one of the most important parts of transitioning. In order to make the transitioning process a little easier don't settle for mediocre conditioners. You will need the most creamiest and most slippery conditioner that will allow the comb to easily glide through your hair and melt those tangles away. This will make styling and maintenance a lot easier for you and your hair. But it is very important to know that products alone wont allow your hair to strive. It is the proper care/techniques in conjunction with quality products that will allow your hair to be its best.

  116. As a 7 month natural, I have to say the most important piece of advise I have to give to one starting out their natural journey comes in one word "ACCEPTANCE." Acceptance that your curls may grow out and not be what you expect. Acceptance that you are unique and different and that will be reflected in your curls. Acceptance that people (haters) may not agree or even like your choice to go natural. But it is your call!!! Acceptance of shrinkage, some frizz, and moody hair Just have fun, embrace and ACCEPT;-)

  117. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    BE PATIENT! I have never spent so much time on my hair and had never really paid attention to my hair's needs until I started this journey. I am truly loving accepting my hair as an extension of myself, but yes patience keeps me sane. Patience for it to grow, patience to style it, patience that I too will be proud of what's naturally mine :)

  118. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    For someone just starting out, I always tell them to find out their "why" for wanting to go on their natural hair journey in the first place. I believe the journey, like any other journey, often begins long before you get on the road. Once you truly understand why you are taking the journey in the first place - then you can plan accordingly. You can strategize based on the destinations you want to go to while on the journey, and those you want to skip. Some go natural as a journey of self-love and acceptance, some are on a journey to a healthier lifestyle, some are on a journey to rebel against society's standards of beauty, some are on a journey to be on the cutting edge of fashion and style, and it goes on and on. It is okay if you change or just add new "whys" as you discover more along the way - a journey is about ongoing discoveries anyway. And though some try to impose THEIR "why" on everyone else, it is an individual choice that should be respected. Decide your "why", and don't let anyone else - natural or not so much - tell you that it is wrong or less significant. And don't knock someone else's "why" either. As long as it is YOUR "why", and not someone else's, then the journey will be a success.

  119. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Don't be afraid. People will tell you that you'll "look like a boy" or your "hair is too nappy" or "you'll never get a man/woman/partner" but in reality, none of that is true. You don't look like a boy if you don't feel/act like a boy, your hair isn't too nappy as long as you don't think it's too nappy and you'll never get a partner if you think you'll get a partner. Accepting yourself and your hair, no matter the texture, will make you more confident. But you're more "useful" to the world if you aren't so it will try to scare/shame you into thinking otherwise.

    Don't give in.

  120. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I think the most important piece of information a newbie needs is to be patient. Learning what your hair likes and doesn't takes time and effort. Stick to one regimen at a time (i.e. don't constantly switch shampoos, stylers, conditioners) before determining if it really works or not. This can be an exciting journey so take the time to enjoy it.

  121. Natural Entry:
    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The most important information I would give to a newbie natural is to always think positive and speak positive about your hair; see your hair as you would want it to be. As African American women most of us grew up thinking that our hair was nappy, unmanageable and just plan ugly because of the influence of those around us. Because of this the perception of our hair is negative. So, when we as adults decided to embrace our natural hair our conscious mind undergoes a change however, our subconscious still has those negative deposits. So when we go through the trial and error stage of learning our hair it can be a little overwhelming and the thoughts that were deposited in us for all those years as children and teenagers start to return. I believe this can cause a newbie to want to retreat and go back to relaxed hair. But, if on a daily basis you speak positive and think positive about your hair and yourself, and actually believe what you say, not only will you affect your conscious mind but your subconscious will be changed as well. This takes time but it guarantees success. Whether or not a newbie is successful on their natural hair journey depends on how they think about themselves and their hair. As a matter of fact, I believe all success starts in our mind.

  122. I have not relaxed my hair in over 5 months.
    Growing out natural hair and also styling it takes so much patience!! I have had my hair relaxed ever since I can remember. I have washed my hair 3 times this week as I am still not comfortable with the way my flexi-rod sets, and braid out have been coming out, maybe I have to research other styles? My hair has always been straight and easy to manage until now. I find myself fighting the urge to walk into a salon everyday and get it relaxed. Im constantly reminding myself of the positives in not chemically treating my hair. With that being said, these comments truly help a person like me during this transitioning period.

  123. I am a transitioner....The single most important piece of advice I can give that helps me retain length and promote hair growth is PROTECTIVE STYLES. I have been wearing protective styles throughout my whole transition, which has been 11 months so far. I have worn everything from microbraids, twist, and full sew ins. While I rock my protective styles, I make sure to shampoo and condition on a weekly basis. These are important for the health of my own natural hair and it helps keep the style fresh!

  124. As a natural, my advice is to do tons of research and get to know YOUR hair.

  125. "If you are transitioning answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    I would tell someone who is thinking about transitioning that "there's nothing more important than what you think of your self, your essential being, the health of your self-esteem and your worthiness to give love and be loved". God made us all perfect in his image, why not get to know yourself the way He intended? Get to know the real you, and then fall in love! It's well worth it!

  126. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    All the creams in this world will not grow your hair for you. Find a routine that works for you and stick to it (with occasional tweaks every now and then as your hair changes). Product Junkie-ism is all well and good, but at the end of the day it's how you care for your hair -- your patience with your hair -- that's going to make a difference.

  127. Oh, my goodness so many entries! Thanks for this giveaway!

    Question: If you are transitioning answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    Answer: I believe the single most important piece of information I could give someone that is thinking about transitioning is; GO FOR IT! The thought was placed in your mind to being with so go forth with the idea because the outcome will be great. If you are in your transition (like I am) all I can say is have patience, you will get to your goal sooner than you think and again, the outcome will be great!

    Thank Nikole! :)

  128. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The most important thing about being natural is to love your hair for what it is, and try not to have hair envy, it just makes things difficult in the end when you are trying to have hair like someone else's, you're not being you!

  129. I am a natural and I would tell someone thinking of allowing there natural hair to grow out to "Get Your Mind Right First"! This was the component of my journey that has gotten me to where I am today. I researched, followed peoples hair journeys and blogs, actually one person in general, but this first step prepared me a lot for what I was about to do. I also prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to connect with me on this journey and to help me stick to it and last. Once I had my mind fixed and settled on this decision then nothing anyone said negative about my hair could move me. Not even when I did the big chop and almost cried because I thought I looked like a mind was fixed so I worked with it:) Get right mentally about your hair and this decision and you will be ready for whatever grows from your scalp, no matter the texture, curl pattern, thick, thin or'll be ready come what may. Congradulations and Enjoy the Ride!

  130. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I think it's important that you understand that your natural journey will be just that...yours. It' wonderful that we have resources like Moptop, CurlyNikki, etc. However, you will have to learn to love and understand your head. The advice these sites provide is beyond valuable, but don't expect your hair to turn out "just" like theirs. No two heads are the same, and to assume that your hair will look like someone else's can leave you disappointed and demotivated. I've read posts from new naturals regarding lack of curl pattern, and one hair type being "better" than another. If your goal is to have 3a hair and your hair type is 4a you are setting yourself up for heartbreak and failure. The beauty of the journey is to accept what God has given you and to rock and embrace it...FIERCELY!! Enjoy your journey!

  131. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    You know the saying "They can smell your fear"? Well its kind of true. Wearing natural hair is very different than wearing any other style. Before you start transitioning, prepare yourself that other people might be staring at you. Have confidence in your decision to go natural. You also want to search all around for nice styles to try so that your not just stuck with one. But you have to realize that your hair wont come out exactly like the person's in the video or picture because your hair is different. DO NOT COMPARE YOU HAIR TO OTHER PEOPLE'S HAIR. It will only bring you down because you will strive to have hair like theirs and that wont be happening. Know that this journey isnt just about your hair, it going to change who you are as a person. Mainly it will build up your confindence in who you are. As you begin your journey i bid you good luck. And i hope that if natural hair is what you want then no one can deter you from that goal no matter how hard they might try!

    P.s. Have FUN with it! XD

  132. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    don't compare your hair to anyone else because although you might have the same texture what works for one doesn't necessarily mean it will work on you. Also a lot of women have hair envy which is definitely destructive to your natural hair journey.

  133. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    Have fun! While you're trying to blend two different textures you have to think of creative ways to make your hair look nice and keep it healthy. I've tried styles I've never thought of while I was relaxed.

  134. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Fall in love with your 'Natural You'. Get to know the natural texture of your hair and do not start off trying to manipulate your curl/kink and make it into something its not. You will be just continuing the behaviors that might have damaged your hair when you were chemically straightening it. Instead, get to know your hair; your natural you. Going natural isn't about making your hair curly, but finding comfort and loving what you have been given naturally. After that, then learn all of the wonderful things your hair can do.

  135. Relax Answer: The single most important piece of information to keep healthy strands of relaxed hair is to pay close attention to the key ingredients that your hair loves and stick to them; your hair will love you back for it!!!

  136. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    Pay attention to the multiple textures of hair on your head. Dryer/kinkier textures may need more nurturing in order to retain moisture. Don't understimate the importance of sealing your ends (even if just a twa) with an oil or butter. Jojoba oil is excellent for sealing if you have acne prone skin. Stay away from coconut oil if you have protein sensitivity.
    Well, I guess that's a lot more than one important thing!

  137. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    Answer:Have patience, gain knowledge about ways to care for your hair and enjoy your hair. The start of a natural hair journey can be exciting for some and a happy yet uncomfortable experience for others.Having patience with yourself and your hair will not only benefit your hair but it will benefit you as a person.Love your hair and it will love you back;)

  138. Im transitioning and it's been 10 months.So for anyone who is thinking about transitioning, rather than jumping into a big chop without being fully confident in that decision or continuing to relax, I say please try it out!!! I promise you will love your REAL hair the way God made it to be!

  139. as a natural, the best advice i can give to someone starting out is to embrace the unique things their hair can do, while accepting what it cannot. the natural journey is so less stressful if you start out with that mindset.

  140. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    Remember it is hair. It grows back!
    So have funny experimenting with your natural-texture look! Natural, relaxed, tex-laxed/curly, wave nouveaus, locs, dyed blond, dyed red, short, long, etc.
    They are looks and being able to do different things with your hair is one thing that is fun about being a woman! HAVE FUN!

  141. I'm natural and I have been for 2 years and a half now.

    My advice is: patiently find your own method following a chronology. This will save you money, time, energy and it will make things easier, as all the information could get you overwhelmed.

    A fool proof universal cheap start that works for everybody could be:
    - water + favourite conditioner + olive oil everyday for moisture and as a leave in.
    - the same conditioner and oil + an egg yolk or coconut milk to deep condition.
    - a gel on top if you need it
    - a good shampoo.

    You will get overwhelmed and confused if you try all at once and, believe it or not, you won't need more than that to let your hair grow healthy.

    Nex step: how often so I need to shampoo and do I need a stronger and a lighter shampoo?

    Then: butters, humectants (important to know who they are and if your hair doesn't like them as they are in many products and they behave differently with the weather, especially if you are concerned about shrinkage), aloe, hard core protein and coconut oil. These ones are trickier as not everybody agrees about them, so you can then experiment to see what happens.

    Ceramides and ph balance could be another field to explore during time, especially if you have porosity issues as Nikole explains.

    Styling products could be the last step: when your hair is healthy, it's easier to style it.

  142. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    don't take it so seriously. it's just hair.

  143. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    Learn and embrace your hair first. There are TONS of blogs, websites and youtube videos and looking at other people's results can jade your view of your own hair. You have to develop your own regimen and staples. Practice makes perfect. Certain styles and techniques may not come out perfect in the beginning but once you master it optimum results will follow.

  144. You have to make this change for you and only you. If you do it for any empty reason, it will be even more difficult then it already is. Patience, will power and determintation will allow you to successfully embrace your hair in it's natural state.

  145. I would tell a new natural that... on this journey one thing you have to remember is hair is! Sometimes you want to do these amazing styles that you see in the latest video which is fine... BUT your hair is it's own and it will react they wait it wants so don't be distressed when you dont obtain the results you want because hair is only hair.. not a show piece! Love it how it is!

  146. I have never been relaxed but I am transitioning due to heat damage. Best advice as a natural would be "love what you already have and don't obsess with another person's hair. Your hair may grown completely different so embrace the uniqueness of your hair!"

  147. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?

    My answer:

    I would say that you definitely need alot of patience when going natural. You won't always get that instant gratification you want, in terms of having your hair look right all the time, or the length you desire. Naturally, you will want to try every product on the market (and I am working through my product junky-ism lOl), but again you have to try one thing at a time and have patience to tell whether or not that product is really for you. As cliche as this may sound, for me going natural wasn't just a change in my appearance, but in how I feel about/treat myself and my body. It's only been about 7months, but time has definitely made me wiser.

  148. Question: If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Huda: Do it for your self and realize that it will take time to overcome a lot of the psychological and emotional attachment/barrier we have about our hair, not to mention the beauty standard in North American society.

    We spend so much money on our hair that for years we didn't even get to enjoy it (simple thing as swimming was a huge task after spending loads of $$ on our hair), heck even a loved one could not enjoy touching or messing our hair up. So to suddenly start the natural process will be a slow process, so enjoy it and know no matter what (whether you cut or shave your hair), you are beautiful.

    lastly, not all black women' hair is the same, we all have different texture. So, educate yourself about what kind of hair texture you have and what products work best with it.

  149. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Be confident in the dicisions you make about your hair journey, because their will be people (family, friends, strangers, ect...)with intent to stop and discourage you from doing what you want to with YOUR hair. And when your not confident, the haters will is an open opportunity to discourage you. Also find someone who is supportive of of your decision. While conformation is not needed encouragement is always welcome.

  150. As a natural the most single important thing I can advise to another natural beginning their journey is to have patience. As you embark on your journey you embark on a period of continual growth into embracing and cultivating beauty you already own. Grow, nourish and love your hair and yourself and do it patiently.

  151. As a natural, I would advise other naturals to remember that not everyone has the same curl pattern. Wanting someone else's texture of hair can prevent you from truly understanding and appreciating your own. Embrace your own individuality and uniqueness that is both inside and out. Besides that, having a good regimine consisting of a balance of both moisture and balance, as well as patience is key!!

  152. As a natural, The most important piece of information I can give to someone is PATIENCE. I can remember starting out as a natural, and I am a very impatient person, so i was wondering why my hair is taking forever to grow. But, within due time, I had a head full of hair, and its still continuing to grow at its own speed. Everybody's hair doesn't grow as fast as others. And that's one key important factor a lot of naturals need to keep in mind

  153. I must piggy back on those naturals who posted before me. Patience is everything when going natural or transitioning. I chopped my hair CLEAN OFF!! 9 inches gone in minutes! During the TWA phase was when I had the most trouble. I expected my hair to be curly like the ladies on Youtube. It took time for me to discover my hair type and what worked best for my hair. Each person is different so you have to learn what works best for you individually. Moisture is also key, dry hair is the ultimate no-no. I would encourage a regimen, vitamins and plenty of water.

  154. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Well I am natural and I would have to say the single most important advice I would give to someone starting out on their natural hair journey would be to love your hair whatever the texture! Alot of people have unrealistic expectations of what their hair will look like because they become so set on wanting or assuming their texture will be just like someone else and then when its not being disappointed. So Love your hair no matter the texture, density, coil, wave, shrinkage love your hair be kind and have patience with your hair. It will thank you and you will reep the benefits!

  155. Congatz!
    Natural Answer: The most important piece of advise that I could give someone about being natural is to "do their research". Learn about eating right & exercising, pH balances, products, and everything in between will produce a better you. And give you great hair. :)

  156. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I think the most important thing is love yourself ,being natural. After transitioning, it took five years for me to love my hair. In those five years, I hid my hair behind braids, weaves and other hair extensions . It wasnt been until i began my natural hair journey that I realised my hair is a major part of who I am. The way i treat and take care of my hair reflects how comfortable I am in my own skin.

    With the help of natural hair bloggers like you motivating, inspiring and providing a wealth of information, I have come to love and appreciate my hair. But more importantly, love ME(naturallY). I took me 5 long years. But I am here. I am in love with my hair :) :) and I have a greater appreciation of who I am and how I was created!

  157. As a natural the single most important piece of information I can give someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey would be to do RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! I transitioned with braids and weaves and this allowed me to be free of dealing with the two different textures which allowed me major time to be able to research websites, blogs, youtube, fotki etc. I think this made a huge impact on me still being natural today, 19 months later. The information I learned during my research prepped me for the hard times to come and what to use and what not to use on my hair. Do your OWN research so that you won't jump on the bandwagon when it comes to products, appliances etc. With natural hair just Keep It Simple Sexy!

  158. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Natural hair for a black woman, is like no other on this earth. It is unique. So you must want it. Love it for what it is, and what it represents to you. Pamper it, and care for it, for it is your crown. So wear it with pride and honour.

  159. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Know that deciding to wear your hair natural will very possibly lead you down the road of self discovery. Both as an individual and as a woman of color. Don't fight the urge to get in touch with your essence as an individual and as a part of a complex geneology. It will hopefully lead you to inherently knowing what your hair loves and why it behaves as it does. It's important to do this because you will have to get out of the 'relaxed' mindset you may have gotten into over the course of years which is important for the health of your hair. Oh, and definitely take advantage of resources like MopTopMaven's blog and YouTube. Your hair will thank you!

  160. "What is the single piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    First of all, start to love yourselt and to love your hair, then PATIENCE is the key.
    I am a French girl, my father and mother are African, and I live in Asia...
    It was really hard for me to accept myself the way I am, not to try to look like someone else, and believe it or not, this blog have helped me a lot.
    From now on, I am actually starting to realise that I have hair, with a strong personality, a great desire to grow, to look beautiful.
    I am my hair, full of ambition, they are a part of me, I love them, I am proud of them and what they are : a special gift from our creator.
    I believe that they are and extention of myself, all my emotions, my hopes and my fears are reflected in them.
    Weather they are short or long, coarse or silky, I am taking care of them.
    Without any pretention, I would say to all my sistas that it is a long journey to discover the real you, change the way you think, admire and accept yourself.
    In a nutshell I would say transitioning will change your life.

    *sorry for my mistakes, my english is far to be perfect, thanks a lot Nikole for this blog and all your positive energy ^^

  161. answer for natural hair: enjoy this time of getting to know your hair for the first time in your life; don't complicate the experience with product junkism and hair envy, k.i.s.s. (keep it simple sista) and love your hair

  162. Natural Hair Advice: I would tell anyone with natural hair that you don't have to buy expensive products or products that are specifically made for black people. My favorite product is Aussie Moist 3 min. miracle deep conditioner and I would have never tried it thinking "that'll never work on MY hair" if I hadn't learned this lesson. It's also very affordable. You can still have great hair on a budget : )

  163. 'What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?'

    I would say be gentle and listen to your hair as what might work for some might not work for others!!!

    Oh and congratualtions on your essence feature

  164. Natural hair advice:

    Everything isn't for everybody. Listen to your hair, it will tell you what it needs, wants and likes. It is great to see what everybody else is doing/using, but they don't own the strands coming out of your scalp. Remember this and you will save a lot of time and money!

    Congrats on the Essence feature!

  165. Transitioning answer:

    I'd say be gentle! Your hair is precious whether long,short..tight or loose curls are growing out of your head treat it delicately. I think a lot of times we're so busy rushing through life an looking for immediate gratification, but just think it may have taken years for you to grow your hair so it can equally take as much time to transition. Be fair to your tresses and treat it like the delicate fabric that it is. Enjoy your journey don't try to rush through it..the more you fight w/your hair the harder it will be. Listen to what it needs, it'll surely tell you. Your hair is a part of you an should be pampered just the same!

  166. Natural Hair Advice

    My biggest piece of advice for the natural who is learning how to take care of her hair for the first time is simple- Love. Love this process, because it can be a long the experimentation on regimens, the wealth of information that is now accessible to naturals now, and love your hair in every state. Whether it be dryer than the Sahara and in need of some TLC or lush and fly, enjoy it in every state. Finally, I would say love the community you have now entered as you make your way down the journey full of many other natural beauties.

  167. The single most important piece of information I can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is to go with your gut. For about a year I was transitioning, at some point I said I didn't want to transition anymore and just wanted to cut my hair off. Everyone told me not to cut my hair, just to have it grow out but I hated the process. One day washing my hair and seeing the perm/ new growth, I decided it was time to cut my hair off even though it was not at a desired length. I am sooo happy I went with my gut instead of listening to everyone else because cutting my hair off was the smartest and most liberating thing I had done for the year. I had to adjust to my natural hair, especially finding products that worked for me. Read blogs like this (this one is my favorite of them all), educate yourself about the products that are good for your hair type, experiment and don't be afraid to and most of all have fun and enjoy yourself and your journey ;).

  168. Nice giveaway!
    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    I would have to say for someone who is considering transitioning, you should definitely do your research and get the right products to cater to your relaxed ends and your natural new growth. Transitioning has to be the hardest obstacle to overcome so having a wide knowledge base will be extremely helpful and will make the process a lot easier.

  169. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Single? It is so hard to pick one. But I feel like everything I could say can be summed up in one phrase: Health > Length. Focus on the health of your hair, and pay attention to it as it will tell you what it needs (ie "I'm so thirsty!", "Eww, whatever you just put on me is GROSS", "Just leave me alone, I don't feel like playing today", etc, lol). As you maintain healthy, strong, moisturized hair, length will CERTAINLY follow.

  170. What is the single most important piece of information to starting out their natural hair journey?

    Treat your hair like silk!! Don't rush, be patient with it and moisturize. Visit different hairsites (especially this one) and get information on products and techniques. Eventually you will learn what works for you and your hair will flourish!!

  171. Love your blog as well as your feature in Essence and on

    "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    I would say to love your hair no matter what. Love it when it looks awesome, love it on your bad hair days. Because when you love it and treat it well, it will love you in return. So dont compare yourself to others even if they have the same hair texture. Each journey is unique so embrace yours and enjoy it!

  172. I am a natural.
    I would say there will be times when you want to go back to the creamy crack like stat, regret your decision, feel overwhelmed, or even bored with you hair. All this feelings are ok and dare I say normal. What is very important is remembering why you decided to start this journey, how being natural so far has or will enhance you life, and visit sites like this and many others for inspiration and ideas. So enjoy, love, be kind, and be gentle with your hair, and I promise it will be all good!


    The most important piece of information that I can give away to someone who is just starting out on their natural journey, is to not be afraid and love yourself for being natural, just think about all the benefits it will give you.

    I actually just cut my hair a month or two ago, and I feel free. So free, that I recorded my mother cutting my hair and edited. Its a great feeling to be natural, knowing that my hair is in its healthiest condition, with all the great products out there in the world that will help my hair grow. Whenever i see others who are natural, it makes me feel happy and even more inspired. Mop top maven is one of my greatest inspirations, my favorite blog.!

    Check out my video:

  174. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The single most important piece of info I would give a newbie is to not let obstacles (i.e. bad hair days, frustration, etc.)deter you. You have to keep your eyes on the prize. There will be times when you want to call and make that appointment to get a relaxer or haircut, but don't. I have been natural about seven years and I almost got a "texturizer" last year. The hairdresser I called actually talked me out of it. She said my hair is too pretty for that and I didn't need one. I commend her for that, because that was money out of her pocket. I really thank her for her words of encouragement and God for speaking through her. I am starting to understand my hair more and more. She (my hair) is finicky and rebellious, but I love her unconditionally. She has changed dramatically this summer and I know she'll start acting brand new come winter. It taked a while but eventually you get on the same page and when it happens the results can be magical. It's amazing how your hair effects everything around it. Anywho...I really want to thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge and expertise so freely to strangers. I've learned so much since clicking on one of your you tube videos three or four months ago. You truly are an inspiration to me on many levels (fashion, hair, generosity, positivity...I could go on). I hope God continues to bless you because you really deserve it. I pray that you and your family and friends are blessed. You've helped me more than you will ever know. I can't thank you enough.

  175. The single most important piece of information that I could give someone that is transitioning is to use protective styles and moisterize, moisterize, moisterize!!

    Wearing silk scarves at night, Weaves, Wigs and braids have helped me to retain a tremendous amount of my length. Making sure that I spritz my hair with essential oils and moisterizing my hair everyday from root to ends have helped as well.

  176. wow these are a lot of posts to go through!
    haha im nervous, well hi my name is Felicia and i just turned 17 last week and your blog has really gotten me through some tough hair days. I have been natural all of my life and i have only had my hair straightened three times because i don't really feel like myself when its bone straight, my friends love it but over the years i have come to appreciate my exaggerated and UNRULY curls(what other choice do i have but back on topic,
    The advice i would offer to anyone with natural hair is to love it and DEEP CONDITION with heat once a week lol!! but on a serious note as an up and coming woman thats been on a hair journey for 17 years, seeking enlightenment, my hair has stayed thick, long, and healthy by treating my hair like royalty. i reserve Sundays solely for washing my hair, conditioning and then deep conditioning, combing it out and moisturizing it. it really is a process that involves patience and care. be kind to your tresses ladies, they will thank you later :)

  177. This is such a great giveaway opportunity! :)

    - "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?" -

    To someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey, I would say, "CONSISTENCY is key, PATIENCE is essential, and SELF-CONFIDENCE is vital."

    "CONSISTENCY, because if you want a change, you have to stay on the same road to get where you need to go. No short cuts." :)

    "PATIENCE, for when you feel like your hair isn't growing, when your curls won't cooperate, or when you feel like giving up and reaching for that jar of relaxer."

    "SELF-CONFIDENCE, for being comfortable with and proud of your NATURAL beauty."

  178. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The single most important piece of the journey is LOVE. I transitioned for 4 months and decided one day to cut my relaxed BSL ends off. That resulted in me having 2 inches of hair on my head. I hated that I allowed my "Aries" impulsiveness to take charge at that moment, but the longer I looked at my kinks and curls the more I loved it! I feel more confident with 3 inches of hair than I ever did with my long, relaxed hair. Right now, all I can rock is the TWA, but I envision the day when I can wear twists, knots, braid outs, and poofs. Being natural has been liberating.

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. The single most important piece of information *I* can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is to be mentally prepared.

    Ideally, everyone in your life - your family, your friends, your significant other - will love your natural hair. But unfortunately, that`s not the way it always is. You have to be mentally and emotionally secure with your decision, and do it for the right reason - and that reason is YOU. While it`s great to be inspired by others, allow yourself to be that constant source of strength and inspiration. Be sure. Be secure. Love from within. The rest will come in time. :)

  181. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    Honestly, the single most important thing I can say is to be REALISTIC. You need to realized that your hair is not going to be the same as everyone else. Not only that, if your going to transition, go natural, whatever, patience. As some one is transitioning, deep conditioning is your new bff.

  182. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?

    I would have to to say the single most important piece of information for someone thinking about transitioning would to be pay special care to your hair esp. at the demarcation line. To baby your relaxed ends since they are very fragile do not combing roughly through your hair and regularly deep conditioning treatments, will keep you from breakage at the demarcation line. And will keep your hair healthy, happy, and drama free during your transitioning period.

  183. The single most important advice i have for those going natural is to deconstruct what most of us have been taught about natural hair. Learn to love your texture, whether it's kinky or curly or a combination of both. Also, when looking at photos and others for inspiration, try not to compare too much. Everyone is different, learnt to appreciate that, and do what works for your hair.

  184. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    As someone who BC'ed about 3 1/2 months ago, I would say the most important piece of information for those who are starting their journey is that being natural requires PATIENCE. It takes so much time to learn to care for your curls and coils. There's so much experimentation with products (because we all know that products with rave reviews dont work for everyone), hair accessories, styles/cuts, color. And then there's the TWA phase. People can be shocked by their lack of hair initially, but with time and care a TWA can be beautiful. (Personally, I am so in love with my TWA, but I know lots of people who are/were uncomfortable with wearing it out).

    To everyone who is just beginning their journey, just have patience. Dont be upset when your texture is something different than expected. Dont try to turn your hair into something it's not by over manipulating it. Protect it against the elements. Nurture it so that it grows into the crown you were supposed to have. Your natural hair will never fail you, but you CAN fail it.

  185. If you are natural answer; "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    ** Be patient and postive! Don't give up on your hair and give yourself postive affirmations about your hair. This is essential so when people who are used to seeing you with relaxed hair comment in a negative way it slides right off of you lol.

  186. The single most important piece of information I can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is to definately moisturize the hair because being a natural such as myself, my hair gets extremely dry sometimes and adding some type of water base product or simpily water goes a long way. The remains hydrated and retains length. Sometimes it doesn't take alot of products to care for our hair.

  187. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    The most important piece of information I can give someone is to set a goal and visualize where they would like to be on their hair journey within a certain amount of time. For example, I knew that I wanted to have natural hair that was BSL (the length of my then relaxed hair) before I cut of my relaxed ends. I calculated that with 1/2 an inch per month that it would take me ~2.5 years to get there. Visualizing where I wanted to be on my hair journey helped me to stay focus, helped me to ignore those people saying "what are you goign to do with you hair?" and helped me to get past those bad hair days. Eventually caring for my hair became a breeze, 3 years passed and before I knew it my natural was near my waist. Taking the time to grow out my hair and learn its likes/dislikes in hair products helped me to be 100% comfortable rocking my hair in a wash and go. I was not self concious at all because my long transition permitted me to start my natural hair journey informed and with a great outlook.

    This is the advice I have given all my natural/ transitioning friends interested in growing out their hair.

  188. My advice to a new natural would be...

    God created you in his image (hair and all). So take the time to find what works best for your hair. Know two heads are alike. Trial and error with products but be patience while. It'll be worth it.

  189. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"
    Explore yourself. This is so important in a society where employers and oftentimes even friends and family are not supportive of natural black hair. Explore yourself; find out who you are and embrace that. This will make it easier for you to be confident in and embrace your natural texture(s) and for others to do the same. Nothing is more beautiful than being who you really are.

  190. "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    That no one's hair is alike. Your hair may look like some else hair but all hair is different. What works for some one else may not work for you. Experiment with your natural hair to discover what works for you and embrace your natural hair. Don't get caught up in the hair type system it can be confusing and overwhelming. Another important piece is keep your natural hair moisturized. Natural hair thrives in moisture.

  191. Natural response:
    Relationship is defined as ”a connection, association or involvement with another.” My advice would be to maintain a good relationship with your hair. Any relationship takes work and commitment. If you are good to your hair, it will reciprocate! You will definitely get out of it what you put in and the results will be rewarding!

  192. Transitioning: "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?"

    You have to trust your instincts. The process is not easy and alot of people will not understand or make rude comments about your hair. But this was a decision you made (for whatever reason)so be confident in your choice. You're doing this for yourself, not the world!

  193. LET YOU HAIR BE WHO IT IS DESTINED TO BE! In my 5+ years of being natural, I struggled with the idea that my hair was this definite part of me. So when my hair didn't 'act right' I felt down, and wanted to revert back to my relaxed days. Each time I made that hair appointment I was stopped by a compliment from a stranger, or a picture of my hair fro'd outta control. I loved my hair all over again. So, my biggest, most helpful piece of advice would be to let you and your hair grow into a beautiful relationship, and NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR HAIR!

  194. Transitioning...Im a a perosn who has had a relaxer since the age of 10...I recently cut my hair short(90's bowl hair cut)I decided that after a fews years of in and out,mind changing that i would finally go nataural.
    -The single most important thing I can say is,make sure it's your decision.Whether with Hair or in life,everyone's journey is different so dont be discouraged by comparison.I would also say,love your hair!Treat yourself!I think hair routines are so therapuetic!:-)

  195. If you are natural answer: "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    How you wear your hair is a personal choice. Have fun, see it all the way through, and enjoy the experience. You will not regret it.

  196. This is a great idea!!!

    If you are natural answer: "What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey?"

    Answer: Forget everything you thought you knew about your hair!! LOL!! Seriously, being natural is truly a journey...but a beautiful one! You learn so much about your natural tresses and likewise, your natual tresses have to learn about you (activity levels, diet, water intake, etc.) Just sit back, have plenty of patience, and enjoy the ride!

  197. The single most important piece of information I would give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is to stay committed and strong because there's going to be moments when they want to give up when they are feeling self-conscious.

  198. Firstly, congrats on your feature!

    Now to business. I'm a natural and the single most important piece of information I can give to someone who is just starting out on their natural hair journey is "patience". Now that you're at the point where you've decided to go natural, you have to come to grips with the fact that you'll be learning your new hair. This takes time and many trials but patience will help you to get through it and make many wonderful discoveries. Just know that learning to take care of this "new hair" is a process that will not happen overnight. You may even fall in love with taking care of your natural tresses.

  199. The best advice I would give to a beginning natural would be exude confidence. Even if you are confident, be overly confident! Dislike will come from others when they sense unsureness from you. If you think your hairstyle is pretty cool, more than likely others will too!

  200. What is the single most important piece of information you can give to someone that is thinking about transitioning?
    The best advice I can give someone is to get to know your hair. We all have different textures and depending on how long you've been relaxed, if you were anything like how I was I was clueless about my natural texture hair. Their are so many resources and forums now that will guide you to your goal(s). Take advantage of it and go for it. NOTE: That just because a product works for peoples hair does not mean it will work for yours. You will have a lot of trial and errors but stay true to your hair needs.


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