Monday, September 20, 2010

Sponsored Giveaway: >> Peace Images

 Up for grabs is this beautiful choker! 

I was hooked when I first spotted Camille's line Peace Images; I remember spending about an hour perusing through the 100 + pieces of jewelry on her site; and was thrilled when she graciously accepted my proposal to sponsor a giveaway! 

Here's a little bit about Peace Images as told by Camille:
Jewelry is art. I use my "peaces" to tell stories, spark interesting conversations, spread love, teach lessons, or compliment ones spiritual beliefs.  I've been in business for 2.5 years under the constant support of my fiancee. Love moves mountains, and that is the message in all of my "peaces."  Love for yourself and your individuality; you culture,your kinky hair, your curvy hips;  I use symbols and materials that remind us of the greatness from which we came; ankhs, feathers and African fabrics are just a few of the elements I use to create.  I do not feel shackled by trends, but will indulge from time to time. I intend on creating until the universe tells me to stop.
Camille on her new collection;
I just released my Fall collection, "Black Ego;" 17 new "peaces" ranging from earrings, to rings, and everything in between. I worked on it for months, including having to finish the line during a move from San Diego to Los Angeles. I put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into it. It shows. I'm proud. Check out the lookbook here
 Check out the requirements below detailing how to win this cool choker!

Here are the eligibility requirements:
  • Leave a comment answering the following question: What is your definition of a "fierce black woman"? 
  • Must be a subscriber to the blog
Giveaway will run until SEPTEMBER 27TH 11:59PM PST. - Winner will be announced on Sept 28th. 
Here are a few of my favorite pieces from her line available for purchase in her shop:


  1. A fierce black woman knows who she is, what she wants, can give and take love, and feed one or feed many with her own two hands.

  2. My definition of a fierce black woman is one that has a sheer confidence about her. It is not overbearing, not necessarily in your face. But it is respected and noted by being in her presence. You know she can make a possibility out of none.

  3. A fierce black woman is one that can handle any situation with grace, approach anyone with confidence while ripping the sidewalk in a mean pair of shoes :-)

    check out my latest DIY necklace!

  4. A fierce black woman is the women starting back at you in the mirror. That women understands her destiny and accepts it. She doesn't tire in the storm, she stands tall in the face of adversity and paves the way for those to strive to follow her footsteps. She never loses who she is and has the ability to sit comfortably with many crowds. I am a fierce black woman,a woman of color getting her PhD in a world dominated by those who skin tone does not match my own. We are all fierce black women in our own ways...

  5. A fierce black woman never relinquishes her power.

  6. To me, a fierce black woman is one who goes by her own rules.

  7. Beautiful jewelry.

  8. The definition of a fierce black woman to me is one who is confident in herself and knows what she wants and what it will take to accomplish whatever goal she might have. She is also who accepts herself, flaws and all, because she knows that all of those things makes her the complete package that can never be duplicated.

    She never belittles another to try and uplift herself. She encourages and leads by example.

  9. A fierce black woman is someone who knows her past, her present, and her capabilities for the future. She understands her mistakes make her a better person because you must make mistakes in order to find out who you are. She is a leader and an icon for herself, her peers, and her community.

  10. i'd say that a fierce black woman is one who is not limited, in her swagger (yes with the er), style, or means of living, by the stereotypes or constraints that have been placed on her . while those things don't hold her back, she is very conscious of them and knows how to work them in her favor .

  11. A fierce black woman is flyy and confident whether she's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt or a catsuit and stilletos! Hair, makeup, clothes, and people don't make a woman fierce...its her positive spirit, thoughts, love of others and all other things beautiful that make her fierce.

  12. What is your definition of a "fierce black woman? A woman who is comfortable being exactly who she is whether she is giving a presentation to executives or hanging with other fierce black women. Educated, Kind, Down to earth, and most importantly confident in the skin she is wearing her days on this Earth. Big Afros, plump kissable lips, a small waist in big hips or a long relaxed hair glamazon. Her savoir faire is unmatched!

  13. My definition of a fierce black woman is one who is able to handle any situation with grace, poise & class. A fierce black woman can turn any bad hair day into a fashion forward trend.

  14. A fierce black woman is one who loves, enjoys and is HERSELF at all times. She commands attention no matter where she is just by being HERSELF. She is comfortable in her skin and needs no one but herself to realize and appreciate her beauty. She holds her head high even in her lowest aspects of life and conquers every part of loving every fiber of her being! She is real, intellegent, sweet, nurturing and independent...A fierce black woman is ME!!

  15. A fierce black woman is a woman who does not wait for a man to open the door, who does not wait for anyone to pay her bills. She knows what she wants and she thrives to get it.

    Sojourner Truth in her "Aint I a woman" speaks of a woman who is frail and dependent. And if she were alive, I would have told her, that I AINT A WOMAN IF I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME OVER CARRIAGES, AND OVER PUDDLES AND OFFER ME THE BEST PLACE...I AINT A WOMAN BECAUSE I AM A BLACK WOMAN WHO CARRIES HERSELF AND FIGHTS with her wits and her smarts TO GET THE BEST PLACE...

    A fierce black woman does not need SOCIETY to define and deconstruct her femininity....a fierce black woman solidifies her sexuality and reconstruct her femininity....

  16. A fierce black woman is a woman secure with herself. Who doesn't need validation and approval from anyone but the Heavenly Father. One that can take any outfit or hairstyle and make it her own. One who leads, not follow, who who speaks life, not death, one who builds up, not tear down. A fierce black woman is a woman that eludes confidence from a mile away, who knows she doesn't have to be a size 2 to be fierce. A fierce black one knows that what makes her fierce is what is on the INSIDE.

  17. My definition of a fierce black woman is a woman who is confident,strong and independent.

  18. a fierce black woman has REAL self esteem and not that fake bravado "i'm a strong black woman" crap going on. she knows her worth, accepts only quality, and wears her beauty well with charm and grace.

  19. A fierce black woman is a woman who knows where she's coming from, knows where she's going, and knows who she is. She is not easily moved or broken.

  20. A "fierce black woman" exudes a type of confidence that commands attention when she walks in a room and she's not afraid to strut her stuff!

  21. Definition of a Fierce Black Woman : She is bold, whether it translates through her actions or her "Ruby Woo" Lipstick that she is wearing, she demands attention. She laughs when she feels like crying, she smiles even when faced with her enemies. A fierce black woman embraces her body; not the way society attempts to exploit it, but she knows her body is a temple. She eats healthy and wants to maintain a "healthy" figure. She is emotionally stable; never allowing a man to break her down and deter her from what she stands for. She is a believer in her dreams, and encourages other young black women to embrace their "Fierceness". A fierce black woman knows who she is and whats she is worth.

  22. A fierce Black woman is a woman who is confident and comfortable in her body and in any style that she chooses. She exudes this confidence but also is willingly to help those who might not be as privileged as she is. She does not solely place all her attention on her self, but her purpose is to brighten the lives of those around her, while still holding it down :D and that is a fierce Black woman.

  23. A fierce Black woman is one that is gentle enough to recognize her power, but strong enough to use it only when necessary. Generous, patient, kind, and strong willing- her confidence shines as soon as she steps into a room. Her overflowing beauty blesses those around her, but she never forgets to acknowledge those that helped her to get where she is :0) A Beautiful, fierce Black woman.

  24. To me, a fierce black woman is the woman that will not take no for an answer. She is the one who pushes against the norms of society and strives to be all that she can be. She is a trendsetter, a rule changer, a loving and caring woman. She respects the world and isn't afraid to speak her mind when she feels that something is wrong....She knows who she is and embraces it. She balances out her fierceness with humility and an understanding of the world and how it works.

  25. A fierce Black Woman is alluring, sexy, intelligent and proud. She creates and lives by her own rules. She is me.

  26. To me a fierce black woman is no that doesn't need to be told she is fierce because she knows it.From the moment she wakes up and starts to her day until she closes her beautiful eyes at night. She lives fierce-ness in her walk, talk and love that she has for herself. She is not stuck up or harsh but you will not walk over her nor is she your doormat. She knows that the love of her partner compliments her it doesn't complete her. I am a fierce black woman.

  27. A fierce black woman stands alone when it is necessary, stands up for those who can't and stands a world apart from the ordinary.

  28. A fierce black woman is a woman who is proud of where she came from and represents that in her everyday life. She knows how to take care of herself, and how to treat others. She doesn't need anyone to tell her that she is beautiful, because she already knows it.

  29. A fierce black woman is a God-fearing woman...Nothing more 'fierce' about any woman than a woman who loves God.

  30. A fierce black woman is someone who doesn't let others define her. She knows and loves herself and is not afraid to show others how amazing she is just by being herself.

  31. A fierce black woman is a woman who can shine in any situation. She is the light.

  32. Where many see disaster, a fierce black woman sees a way, where many see despair, a fierce black woman sees hope, where many see no way a fierce black woman MAKES one.
    A fierce black woman is assertive,she is strong, she is bold, she is you, she is me. :)

  33. A fierce black woman is kind when everyone else is "keeping it real". She thinks for herself despite overwhelming pressure to conform.

  34. A fierce black woman is, to me, someone who has a unique and self taught way of being in harmony with herself and the world around her. She has a vision of her uniqueness, a curiosity for life which goes beyond stereotypes, and a desire to inspire and get inspired.

  35. A FIERCE BLACK WOMAN is someone who is confident and doesn't let anyone bring her down. She has a good sense of her culture and accepts and embraces where she comes from. She also is a hard worker and does what she needs to do to stay at the top of her game. She is always classy with a touch of sassiness. Last but not least she is on the track to becoming or already is wise and is always down to help others with her wisdom.

  36. She is resilient, ethereal, resourceful, innovative, and unafraid. She is tense, grounded, unassuming, awkward, and diffident. She is much more and sometimes a bit less. She is you, me and every other beautiful woman in this world...whether she realises it or not.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. A fierce black woman walks to the beat of her own drum, shows off confidence from everywhere she goes in anything she is wearing, realizes the power she possesses, and doesn't allow anyone to take away her shine. A fierce black woman is free spirited, ambitious, and everyday is getting closer and closer to her dreams. That is what a fierce black woman is to me :)

  39. Fierce black woman is a woman you walks into the room and demands attention, by her presence. Without saying one word all eyes are on her. The way she carries herself makes everyone take notice..

  40. A Fierce Black Woman has a quite dignity about her. Her Dignity says so much.

  41. A fierce black woman is someone who owns her identity. She doesn't subscribe to anyone else's definition and is truly secure in her own skin. She is aware of her imperfections and flaws but chooses to be confident, regal, coolheaded and happy nonetheless.

  42. A fierce black woman is a woman that lives life to the fullest, living by her own rules. She defines her actions and doesn't imitate others, all while being fearless and determined.

  43. A woman that is true to herself and knows when to speak her mind on everything in a manner that is classy, yet to the point.

  44. A woman who walks tall, has a great sense of self but is humble at the same time. A woman who knows her value and understand her power. To me, that is fierce woman.

  45. F-Fashions her fate, not to follow, but to lead
    I-Is what all men want, but few are privileged to have/know
    E-Embodies the elegance of a Queen
    R-Resists the need to conform, she owns her space, sets her pace
    C-Clean heart, calm spirit, centered mind
    E-Educates to elevate in her words and thoughts
    Black Woman, Black Women..we are not of this Earth, just transported into to this place to dwell therein. Remember the power of your presence, nothing about you is by chance, its all on purpose...MAKE IT COUNT!

  46. a fierce black woman??
    wow! She is composed of so many things..
    Let me start by saying she is fearless, focused, and always down for whateva!!
    She loves her family more than anything in this world, And Loves her sistahs like family too.She is comfortable in her beautiful black skin be it dark chocalate, or caramel and everything in between, she finds beauty in the smallest of things...And knows that if you keep your heart in entwined with gods, you are on the right path....She makes her presence known by walking tall in the face of adversity...She holds the key to happiness within herself, and if your ever lucky enough to know her...She may let you see..

  47. Define a fierce Black Woman?: Myself.

  48. A fierce Black woman is a David in the face of Goliath. She is one who holistically strives to uplift herself from the stagnant pool of uncertainty society clumps us together in. She is strong, ambitious, ever loving, and beautiful. She stands with confidence, and is "take-no-nonsense". As a college student, I look-up to, and admire the many fierce black women in my life who embody these characteristics. These women know the road won't be an easy one, but takes on various challenges with a smile. She is grateful, and most importantly, she's a learner : )

  49. A Fierce Black Woman defies definition and at time is a contradiction. She knows that to affect any change in the world, she must start with herself. She isn't afraid of challenges or changes, and is willing to fight to uphold what she believes is right. She defies sterotypes and starts trends. She is always a leader only following her heart. Intellectual, Beautiful, Well Spoken and Always Real.

  50. A fierce black woman stands her ground, with her head high, and confidence is at the max. Cant tell her nothin'!

  51. A fierce black woman is confident in who she is, who knows what she wants and who goes after it. She lets her heart and inner voice guide her, even when others try to contradict her. She faces life with her head held high and knows she is beautiful, inside and out.

  52. A Fierce Black Woman is self motivated, independent, confident and beautiful. She walks to the beat of her own and values herself as a queen.

  53. Fierce black women is one who goes by her own rules and knows this is a one round trip so live life to the fullest. She knows that there are no limits, just opportunities and it's up to her to take the leap of faith.

  54. To me: A fierce black woman is a woman that is confident, knows who she is and her worth and is humble at the same time. She is giver of life--and I use the word "life" in the aspect of speaking positive things into her life and to others, being faithful to everything that she believes in without compromise OR devaluing the beliefs of others.

    She's comfortable in her own skin, with her hair, (relaxed or natural)--tee hee, her style of dress and she's not afraid to show it to the world.

  55. A fierce black woman ha nothing to prove to anyone, she just is. You can tell by her demeanor that she is confident, intelligent and in control.

  56. A fierce Black woman is a woman who acknowledges, believes, and honors the fact that she is the beautifully and wonderfully made woman that God made her to be regardless of her circumstances both good and bad. There's nothing to prove, she just is.

  57. A fierce black woman is...Me and you! We are each uniquely different, be it style or ideals. We each become a fierce black woman when we begin to realize this and love ourselves, exuding an air of confidence that is unmistakably true! Everything else simply falls into place.

  58. A fierce black woman is one who knows she is exactly who she wants to be. Fierceness is a state of mind that is merely reflected and enhanced by her appearance.

  59. A fierce black woman is strong, dominant and independent person who takes pride in her ancestry as well as strives to maintain a sense of dignity and individuality within this new found black culture. She is the back bone of her family yet she still knows how to make her man feel like a man and make sure her children realize that they are future kings and queens of their destiny. A fierce black woman is rich in spirit, powerful by nature, beautiful inside and out, and wise. A fierce black woman is me. A fierce black woman is you. She, is we.

  60. A fierce BLK WOMBMAN knows herself and understands her role in society. She does not fit in any label other than FIERCE when describing her beauty, style, ambition, knowledge, etc. She supports her Blk man and holds down the maternal role with ease. She is interdependent, humble, strong, wise, fly all at the same time.

  61. A Fierce Black Women is anything she wants to be, plain and simple and everyone around her knows it and respects it.

  62. a fierce black woman is a female who is confident in her power and on the road to becoming a better person and helping those around her do the same.

  63. a FBW is a woman who embraces all she is as a person of color. she epitomizes strength and she walks to the beat of her own drummer!

  64. What is your definition of a "fierce black woman"?

    somebody who doesn't go with the flow of everyone else,a woman who vibrates color and light with every step into a room, a woman who doesn't need anyone to tell her she's amazing or beautiful to brighten her day she just is a fierce black woman and everyone knows it

  65. A fierce black women is one who does not live her life according to society. She does not change herself to become something she is not by nature, just to be accepted. She is proud of where she comes from. She defines what she feels to be successful. Her highest level of education does not define her. Her social connections or status does not define her. Material objects do not define her. She define herself and sets an example for all young women to follow. She is a leader of society. Not just black society, but a society of all races. She is independent. She makes mistakes, but learns from them and learns how to improve herself because of them. She realizes she is human and will go through trials and tribulations. But in the end she realizes she can get through all and be as "fierce" as she wants to be by having trusting and faith in herself, but first in God. Because with God's love, grace, and protection, we can all be a "fierce black women.


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