Friday, November 26, 2010

Instant Funk: My Christmas Wishlist

Dresses with unique patterns
Flats & more eye + headwear
A nice animal print bag; preferably one with leather like this one
Colorful leather gloves & flirty tiered skirts
More scarves
Basic Tees + scarves
Dark shades
Vintage dresses + statement necklaces
Bold colors
Chunky jewelry 
Hair color...although I will be too chicken to ever go through with it.

What's on your Christmas Wish List??

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  1. Love Love Love your Christmas list! I have the hardest time trying to find flattering unique pattern dresses!Chunky jewelry is always on my wish-list and that leather bag is sick! *3 snaps in a Z formation * lol
    -Love your blog!

  2. Your Christmas list is great! Love the photos. On my list I want to add bold lips.

  3. Love your list! I would love to add more color to my life. I will be 30 soon, and I want a new fierce style.

  4. Love your posts! I understand most of your photos come from Tumblr, however it would be great if you linked to the actual tumblr blog instead of just I'd like to view more pics for inspiration :)

  5. I would love to rock the super long braid extensions! I may try it for a protective style next month.

  6. Great list! On my list is a brooch (preferably vintage) and a muff (preferably real fur).

  7. I stumbled across your blog and i've had so much fun reading the posts :)

    I love your sense of fashion!! Could you do periodic posts that discuss for example: your favorite stores to shop, essential pieces of a wardrobe, how you put your outfits together, tips for the fashion challenged...which is me
    :( :( , etc etc.

    It would be greatly appreciated!

    **all my love and keep up the good work**

  8. These outfits are amazing. I love the girl in the blue dress.

  9. Your blog is on point. Great fashion aesthetic and hair tips. I am a new fan here and subbie to your YouTube channel. Please keep the invaluable information coming. Happy Holidays to you!

  10. my christmas list includes: fun boots, flirty dresses, colorful tops....still adding to it :)

  11. i love these pictures. like LOVE them. such unique and beautiful women....inspiring.

  12. I LOVE that first vintage dress!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. those boots in the last picture are absolutely Delicious.

    My uggs got destroyed before winter even started and I am determined not to go back to buying uggs so I've been looking to buy a god pair of leather boots.

  15. You inspire me! I have no real sense of fashion/style. My Christmas wish list this year is...
    1. to find my style and embrace my beauty
    2. grow my natural hair long (goal of 6")
    3. slightly more bold colors (makeup, nail polish, clothing etc.)
    4. Also I'm starting to dig vintage clothing...

  16. Hayhay!
    How are you? Your blog is great and I love your style and pictures! I'm glad that I've visited yours.

    Please, check mine, & maybe we can follow eachother? + join my giveaway!

    Thanks and love,

  17. That girl with the blue dress... I cant keep my eyes off of her. She has an awesome figure.

  18. Everything on your list is Bomb!! So here's my list (in addition to yours lol)

    1) Get this breakage under control so I can grow my hair long
    2)Faithfully do OCM- I'm failing right now...smh
    3)Try out Aveda hair color (I'm kinda addicted to color...hence the reason for #1 :)
    4) Booties!
    5)Thigh High socks
    6)Get some men's style hats!!
    7) Invest in some more Bright nail might not be the season anymore but...#shrug Don't care

    I LOVE your blog by the way!!

  19. Great list! My list is so long it's not even funny. The condensed version is as follows: 1.) A new camera 2.) A new laptop 3.) Wide variety of scarfs (for some serious turban tying) 4.) Tom Ford sunnies 5.) Boots Boots Boots (made for walking, dancing, and strutting) 6.) A new sofa

    I agree with NappyKitchen. The girl in the blue dress is stunning! Her body inspires sit ups and waist bends to begin now!

  20. Can you please post the actual links instead of
    <3 your site!

  21. Hey Nik!

    411 on the BLUE DRESS PLEASE?!

    the blue dress under 'bold colors' has one heck of a tailored job. What a beautiful silhouette. Then again, it also helps that the pretty lady wearing it has one heck of a body.

    Please fill us in when or if you can on the designer.

  22. Who are the long-braids beauties? Do they have a blog? Their look is captivating.

  23. i love that you post so oftennn.. and theres always so much to keep my attention lol

  24. I LOVE LOVE this post!

    Stay gorgeous!

  25. Love the bag. Then again, that's my weakness. Where's the bag from?

  26. My wishlist is crazy Long, An Animal print satchel or loafers, vintage dresses, American Apparel teal leotard, vintage oxfords, Jean Jackets, a vintage Gucci satchel or tote, and the list goes on! lol! love this blog!!!


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