Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Instant Funk: Has Your Style of Dress Changed Since Going Natural?


One thing I noticed after I started to embrace my curly mane, is that my selection of clothes became a bit less conservative. While I still lean towards conservative pieces from time to time, wild prints, bold colors, and statement jewelry ran away with my heart. 

I love admiring real people with real style. While I still have fun flipping through the pages of magazines, I find admiring real people more entertaining as they aren't manufactured by editors, stylists and clothing houses to steer you towards trends and designers of the moment. It's more authentic this way. 

Here are a few of my favorite photos of fierce naturals. Have you noticed your style has changed since becoming natural? 
I love bold colors and maxi-dresses with eye-catching patterns!

Cutoff shorts coupled with boots always lends a funky edge to any outfit!

My new favorite vice; color-play. Pair unsuspecting colors together, this helps recycle pieces and gives any outfit more of a highly stylized feel.  

Funky shoes can dress up the most basic outfit!

Experiment with different silhouettes!
While Tracee Ellis Ross is a celeb, I definitely think she has real style. - Over-the-knee skirts and dresses are ultra feminine and sexy! Keep the silhouette clean and slightly fitted to avoid drowning in your garments.

Pattern play is also pretty fun, plus it allows you to get dressed without the hassle of having to match every single piece down to the nail polish. Keep it simple and mix no more than two patterns at a time. A shirt and bag [as demonstrated in this photo] is a good starting point. 

Last but not least, grab a funky friend! 

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  1. while my style hasn't really changed since going natural, it has a new zest since i've emerged with my curly mane. it gives my old staples a new flare. but, my friends also perceive my style as being brand new, when really it's how i carry myself.

  2. Mine has slightly changed but not that much. I do work in Corporate America so I stick with business causal and my hair is basically the added accessory to give it a little pizazz. I do get a little funky with my style on the weekends though.

  3. Very good pictures.

  4. My overall style has not changed much, but I usually go through clothing phases anyhow(blazer phase, ruffle phase, wearing the color navy phase, leg warmers that peek out of my boots phase,LOL).
    I like this post:)

  5. I can totally say that my style has become more daring since I've gone natural and as I've gotten older. As I approach 30, and being a mom of two, I find myself experimenting more I guess to prove that I still got it. LOL!

  6. My stage is ever-changing, but I wouldn't attribute it to my hair.

  7. I think when you go natural you're making a bold decision... and the boldness just begins to rub off on different aspects of your life.

  8. absolutely love this post! :) and yes, since i've stopped processing my hair, i have notice a slight shift in my style of dress - i love it more now than ever before.

    peace to you.

  9. OMG yes! I was thinking about that the other day. Since I went natural I tapped into my creative side. Went back to school, started a blog, all types of change over here. It was the start of a major evolution.

    Great post.


  10. I love all of the outfits. Especially the first girl on the left

  11. Love the outfits! And my friend Shayla is the girl in the blue pants & orange necklace. She's fierce isn't she ;)

  12. I definitely think my style has changed because of my natural hair. It's my free pass to do what the hell I want! HA!

  13. I SAY YES YES AND YES!!!!!!!
    its like I am introducing the REAL me all the way!

  14. I think my style has really changed but I think my style changing was also why I went natural. I felt like I was trapped in a box where people were constantly judging what I was wearing and finally I got to a point where I didn't care. I wore what I wanted to wear and my natural hair just blended in easily with that. Now I do all types of funky stuff. Instead of being traditonal for my engagement photo's I made sure to express who I really was which made the photo's look awesome. None of that traditional "lets match" mess he wore one thing and I wore something completely different that I know is gonna raise some eyebrows from some of the family members but hey I love who I am and thats all that matters. Not to mention stalking this blog has really helped me be more daring with my outfits. If only I didn't have to wear close toed shoes to the lab (sigh)

  15. While inspiration for my personal style is ever changing my style of dress is still pretty consistent. I actually think coupling it with the natural hair has just helped to amp it up, like my hair has just become the the ultimate accessory!

    oh and the pic of solange is AMAZING!


  16. WHAT BRAND ARE THOSE WEDGE SHOES (the wood detail)?

  17. no just as ive gotten older

  18. Nah, not at all! I have always been pretty versatile when I dress to kill, lol...I like to be a chameleon based on how I feel so this natural hair is perfect for my transformation. I love trying new styles and experimenting. I love the ultra fly pics that you've posted, gives me more inspiration. =)

  19. Going natural has caused me to want to take more risk in my style and have a little more fun. I work in a conservative industry so I want my off work cloths to be as free as my spirit! My age could also have something to do with it. I'm in my mid twenties and still experimenting with my overall style.

  20. that pic of solange is soooo fierce!!

    I have to say, my style hasn't really changed. i've always worn bright things or never been afraid of pattern and what not. I'm still the same bright clothes/makeup wearing chick i was with my relaxed hair.

    The only thing that's changed is that I now have some natural hair items such as a Her Royal Flyness afro girl shirt


  21. my style has definitely gotten a bit bolder. More male inspired and I love it! :)

  22. Being natural definitely gives you carte blanche to express your style more freely and natural hair goes so well with bold colors and ethnic prints. Plus being "funky" is in style much more now than in the past.

  23. My style has gone from urban/chic to careless but stylish hippie to a more simple vintage inspired look. My hair has gone through the same transformations..it's so interesting to me because I didn't go through any of these looks with straight hair back in the day..I had a more alternative rock look back them. I need to start documenting my style again, I use to do it all the time. It's nice to see what you put together for yourself in terms of clothing and style and sometimes it helps when you can't figure out what to put on! :)

  24. im not naturaL but i do enjoy this site. does anyone know where that cheetah print clutch is from? i really want to get one.

  25. It would be great if you would provide links so we could check out the websites where u got the photos

  26. This blog is simply amazing. I loved this post. Thanks for these awesome photos..


  27. I love everything these women are wearing!

    My style defiitely changed after I went natural...I've always had a very ecclectic style, but it was as an admirer, when i went natural I was on a journey to find myself and it was sort of my final "kiss my fat a**" Tyra style to society and the euro-centric ways.

    After that I started really dressing how I love, embracing things that aren't "typical AA" [whatever that means] and getting back in to the things 'I' loved because I realized those things that make me different, are what make me, ME.

  28. I am working on it. I am a teacher in a more conservative county so I have not gone all out, YET! But I will. I am hoping to start thrifting next month and taking it from there:) I love color, but used to be a black and gray girl:( So drab I know, lol.

  29. WOW!!! I was just thinking this very same thing as I was trying to get dressed for work this morning. My style has definitely changed since going natural, although I always had a natural flare for fashion, going natural certainly pushed the dramatic factor over the edge, lol. Fortunately I work in television so my bold and funky style has been not only appreciated at work but expected. Love when art and commerce can coexist harmoniously... :-)

  30. Enjoyed the post. Fantastic photos!

    Re: the impact of my hair on my personal style: Yes, there has been a change. I've been experimenting with less conservative jewelry, esp. earrings, and bracelets. I have also bought hair garments, e.g. headbands, which I haven't worn since I was a child. Last, my wardrobe choices vary between less structured, and more revealing, i.e. not as hesitant to expose a bit of cleavage - but not at work, of course! LOL!

  31. There has def been a change in my style since going natural. In my opinion, going natural requires a change in mindset. I am no longer restricted by the ideas of beauty handed to me by society. I have learned to reject it and that provides a certain amount a freedom, namely freedom from fear. I don't worry what pple think about me. I do what I want with my appearance and when I step out the door there is nothing anyone can tell me. :::snap, snap, snap::: I rock it. I too find myself rocking bold colors and trying things that years ago I would have run away from.

  32. I definitely feel more free to experiment and dare the 'obvious' or 'acceptable' fashion and yes I attribute it to the natural step up :) Thanks for blogging - love it

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. My style has actually become more funkier since going natural.

  35. I am definitely more daring!!! I love what my natural hair has brought out of me. From accessories to bold colors in makeup (actually using make up period)...I love it!!!


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