
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Giveaway #1: Jamila Henna + Indigo


In gearing up for my healthy hair challenge, I decided to order some of my favorite products and I ordered a few extras for those that win this giveaway.  I use Henna to strengthen my hair, and I use Indigo to color my hair a dark jet black color. 

Jamila Henna is safe to use on relaxed, natural and transitioning hair, as it contains no added chemicals. Indigo is also safe to use on relaxed, natural and transitioning hair, and is purchased from a trusted source [Henna For Hair]. 

To enter:
Leave a comment with a quick blurb on what issues you have experienced along your hair journey! That's it.  Three winners will be selected at random this Friday, and each winner will receive 100grams of Jamila Henna, and 100 grams of Indigo.

Interested in dying your hair jet black? 
You Will Need:
[I use two boxes of each because I have pretty thick hair and would rather have more than enough product to cover my hair liberally]. 
Distilled Water

The Process: 
You will first need to apply a Henna application. The quickest, easiest, and fuss free way to do this would be to just apply water to your henna mixture until it reaches a thick, muddy consistency.  
1. Add henna powder to a plastic bowl
2. Slowly pour in distilled water while stirring
3. Once the mixture has gotten to a thick, muddy, consistency, cover and store in a cool place for about 24 hours. 
4. Apply mixture liberally to your hair, cover and allow to sit for about 2-3 hours. - Do not manipulate your hair too much over this time. Manipulating it can cause a mass of tangles and knots. 
5. After 2-3 hours, rinse with water until you rinsed out most of the Henna. You can then rinse the remainder of the henna out with the aid of conditioner, OR you can immerse your hair in a tub filled with water. Either the above methods are effective in removing the tiny flecks of Henna.
6. Once you have thoroughly rinsed out the Henna, it's time to mix your Indigo. 
7. In a new clean bowl, add Indigo to your bowl
8. Slowly pour in distilled water while stirring
9. Once the mixture has gotten to a thick, muddy, consistency; you can apply it to your hair! No need to wait, this stuff releases color immediately. 
10. Apply it the same way you applied the Henna. Make sure you apply this mixture from the roots to the tip for nice, even coverage. 
11. Allow the Indigo to sit for about 1-2 hours for a rich, black tone. For even darker tones [like jet black], leave it on overnight. 
12. Rinse with water until you rinsed out most of the Indigo. You can then rinse the remainder of the Indigo out with the aid of conditioner, OR you can immerse your hair in a tub filled with water. Either the above methods are effective in removing the tiny flecks of Indigo.
13. Now it's time to condition your hair. Deep condition [with heat] using your favorite deep conditioner. This restores healthy moisture levels in your strands, making your hair supple, and full of body.

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  1. The crown of my hair is so dry and fragile! And slow as molasses to grow. :-( I have learned to be extra gentle with it.

  2. glad to see you're back!

    i'be experienced dryness, tangles, and some damage from chemical coloring, so i would love a natural alternative that strengthens as a bonus.

  3. My hair is heat damaged due to numerous flat iron sessions. Thanks to this blog, now I know how to combat heat damage but I am a little sad that I have to cut off my heat damaged ends. :(

  4. single strand knots and split ends have been the most challenging part of my journey but I am learning better ways of detangling and making sure I have enough moisture and slip when styling my hair.

  5. In 2008, I did the Aphogee 2-step Protein treatment and my hair was soooooo dry and brittle. On top of that we, on the east coast were gearing up for winter. The following spring, I had to cut my hair by half its length (to neck length). For a year, I did protective styles and my hair still suffered from severe breakage due to dryness. I just cut my BSL length hair to about APL, and NOTHING'S WORKING to keep my hair strong. A natural alternative would be a great thing to try, because I have LITERALLY tried it all!!!

  6. I did my big chop 2 months ago from years of over relaxed hair thinning hair my hair would grow but eventually would shed and fall.so now this year I taking this hair journey seriously.

  7. Finding the time and being consistent with my regimen has been the hardest for me

  8. I am starting my transition as we speak. I am in my first month and my hair is dry as ever but I am trying to get all the products as mentioned on different sites as possible. Btw I never realized how expensive this whole healthy hair thing could be. But anyway I read this blog like the holygrail, ok I dont read that but I do read this lol. And a firned of mine introduced me to your blog last week. So I am excited about my journey considering I have had a perm since 8 I believe and Im turning 29 at the end of the year

  9. Shedding and breakage have been my problem incorporating indian treatments will hopefully help and being gentle to my hair.

  10. the most difficult part about deciding to go natural was to actually WEAR IT in its natural state. i am 2 years natural and even after all of my relaxer grew out, i continued to wear my hair straight and in long, down to my butt weaves [lol] everytime i would wear my hair curly my poor curls were fried and limp and lifeless and just plain sad, thus i put yet another weave in my hair.
    i finally got fed up and started wearing my hair in twist outs and shake n go's but my hair still was in pretty bad shape. i realized that in addition to being natural and allowing my perm to grow out, i hadnt gotten a trim in MONTHS! i finally went and got my ends clipped and i have never been happier with my curls! accepting myself in the mirror with the hair that God blessed me with was a challenge but i'm glad i decided to stop ruining my hair with relaxers and weaves and wear it out and love it :)

  11. Losing my curl pattern has been the biggest issue for me in this natural hair journey. Since stumbling across your site in August, I'm learning consistent methods to getting back that healthy curl I once had. The transition has been somewhat slow, but we all know being natural teaches patience.


  12. I experience split ends like crazy. I have no chemicals in my hair, I do not understand.Only get my hair pressed about 3 times a year. My hair grows but I often have to get at least two inches cut from natural mane:(.

  13. Yay, I am glad that you are back and feeling better. I have been struggling w/breakage and proper detangling technique

  14. My hair journey has been awesome although one issue that I and I'm sure lots of naturals deal with on a regular basis is retaining moisture. For a while I didn't realize that I needed to moisturize daily in order for my hair to be at it's best. Now I moisturize/seal daily and do weekly deep conditioning treatments and my hair has never been happier!

  15. I have noticed a little bit of breakage/shedding. I recently tried the aPHogee protein treatment with great results. I would like to try a more natural way of strengthening my hair. I've been thinking about henna for a while now. I'm sure I'll try it soon.

  16. I have been struggling with the absolute DRIEST hair ever. I am 12 months into my transition to natural and I have had the worst time finding products to battle this dryness and breakage that follows from the dryness. Welp that's my blurb lol

  17. I have worn weaves for a couple years and my hair has grown tremendously. However since I opt for a more natural looking weave, I leave a good portion of the front of my hair out. As a result, the front is much shorter than the rest of my hair. I am hoping this hair challenge will help my hair grow nice & even.

  18. i recently big chopped, and keeping my hair from feeling "rough" has been my biggest problem as well as single strand knots. i'm now trying henna to see if it'll help.

  19. Do you apply the Henna before or after you have shampooed your hair?

  20. I love being natural and have been for around 2 years. My biggest issue though is that I have very dry hair and scalp. Especially lately. As a result, my hair splits and I have holes in my hair shaft. I really am on board for this hair challenge because I'm tired of having to cut off all my hair growth because of splits and holes. :(

  21. Learning how to deal with both textures without pulling all of my hair out while transitioning. Trying protective styling as an option.

  22. I am in the transitioning process. Very early stages...Dryness and some breakage is what I have experienced. My hair has always been scanty from the the start and I am trying to create body in it.

  23. The main thing that I have been experiencing in my hair journey is dryness as well as a lot of shedding and that lets me know that Iam not doing the best job of taking care of my hair so. Although my hair has been growing like weed for this past ten months I need to really buckle down and pay attention to my ends as well as deep conditioning. Since my hair is always looking for something to quench it's thirst.

  24. I am currently transitioning. I have not experienced as much growth as I would like. I also realize I'm just not that good at doing hair; I can plait easily but a cornrow or flat twist ends up looking a hot mess. I know practice makes perfect but I don't really have the time to practice. I will however make time to try henna.

  25. I've always been natural but in 2007 I starting my journey to healthier hair. During my journey my problem spot has been at the back of my head right at the top. For some reason the hair there would always be shorter than the rest of my hair. After learning my hair I finally got that spot to grow to the same lenghts as the rest of my hair, around late '08. Well, I recently flat ironed my hair I noticed that the hair in that spot has broken off and is slightly shorter than the rest of my hair. I am so unhappy about this because I'm not sure what I've done to cause the breakage...

  26. I have been wearing my hair in its natural state since 4/2010. The issues that I have experienced is damaged ends. I now know that trimming my ends is a must to retain length.

  27. The problems that I have been having is a lot of dryness and split ends! I just recently straighten my hair in order to get a trim. I really need one! I also am on a hunt to find a really good moisturizer.

  28. I went natural because I have seborrheic dermatitis and my very sensitive scalp could no longer withstand perms. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made, but I still have scalp issues. Along my journey I've found that natural products agree with my hair and skin better then the chemical stuff, but I have yet to find the perfect ingredients for my hair. Henna has work wonders though!

  29. My biggest issue along my journey towards having a full head of natural, healthy lavish hair has been finding ways to keep my hair looking tamed and stylish when it grows too fast. Some other issues have been finding the time to properly care for it when I'm constantly on the run and also finding affordable good products with my little to nothing budget.

    Nevertheless, I've been without a perm since last Feburary and as of the 31st of December I am all natural and I love it.

    Thanks for your wonderful blog. I'm excited to see what comes from you in the new year.

  30. I have learned less is better. I am transistioning and good old unrefined shea butter, cantu shea butter leave in and water mixed with aloe vera juice works better than any other products I have tried to use on my hair. Also I love Henna it is great and I will continue to do it.

  31. I will unfortunately be a victim of premature graying thanks to both of my parents. I have had grays sprouting since I was about 16. Due to the henna treatments that I have done in the past they are a copper color. I've always loved ladies that have jet black hair so I'd love to see what a henna and indigo combination could do for my hair.

    PS. I hope you are feeling better. I've been checking the blog multiple times a day to see new posts lol. My hunny thinks I'm crazy.

  32. I have a problem with my hair being dry. I've done the henna treatment, but I've wanted to use indigo for quite a while. Thanks!

  33. I've been transitioning for 6 months. You name it, I've experienced it. I have thinning edges from constant bunning, tons of breakage, shedding, and dryness. I went from BSL to APL in 2 months due to excessive split ends. I've had some moments of weakness and have fantasized about revisiting the "creamy crack" but, I will continue to stay strong. I want healthy natural hair.

  34. When I was a senior in high school, I started going through intense stress because of the death of a close family member. My hair began to fall out in the back and i had to cut it in a very short style to not only hide the spots but also so it could grow back strong, healthy, and all the same length. I wash my hair once a week, give deep treatments every other week, and get a trim every four weeks. My hair has a lot of damage from wearing weaves because i wanted to feel better about myself. Two years later, my hair is right below my chin, but it still grows uneven. The back won't grow at all. I'm stuck with this rihanna circa 2008 hairstyle. I'm trying to grow my hair back longer and healthier, but it is a slow battle

  35. thank you for this post, it is right on time!

  36. I just big chopped a little over five months ago and I have been dealing with excessive shedding and dryness. When the weather was warmer, my hair was better and would soak up products better, but now that it is winter, my hair is even drier than before. Now I have to moisturize and seal twice a day, deep condition once a week, and keep my hair in protective styles till the end of the winter. It is working a little for now, but I am looking for natural moisturizers and recipes that can do a better job.

  37. My hair grows remarkably fast; in may of 2010 I went committed to go natural, in august all my hair had grown back (8in), but I have split ends that eat my hair up as fast as it grows =(. I moisturize and condition thoroughly, trim every six weeks and use natural oils...hopefully this time ile be able to retain that length

  38. I have had a lot of issues with my hair - breakage due to glue from weaves, dryness, lack of protein, shedding. I started my hair journey in September and I'm constantly learning ways to take care of my hair. I give my hair her first henna treatment this past weekend and it was wonderful! I love ayurvedic products!

  39. My ends are like really bad :( I will get myself a good trim and start to focus on hair retention this year!

  40. right now, i am dealing with some pretty significant breakage in the back. the most frustrating part is that i really have no clue what caused it but it is my mission to correct it and prevent it from happening again.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. I went natural last December and I'm gradually cutting off my relaxed ends. This winter break I have been doing Bikram hot yoga every day and it was the first time I was out with my natural texture without a weave or braids. My natural hair was fine and soft but my relaxed ends would tangle!! The relaxed hair that used to be long and healthy is now what is causing difficulties. I've been trying to decide whether I can chop them off and get to know a short haired me or continue transitioning. Struggles!

  43. Breakage. The root--well, more like the end-- of all evil. I am six months into my transition and breakage is taking a toll all over, especially the front. I almost feel like I have an unhealthy amount despite my mom's hairstylist opinion. Granted, I do exaggerate. However, there is nothing more discouraging than a sink blanketed with hair. So currently, I am on the search for products that will strengthen my hair.

  44. I struggled a lot with balding edges but was able to finally nurse them back to health using Rose hips oil and some other essentials. One of the main issues I've had is with breakage! It started off small but then I would see tons of little afro beads in my shower after washing my hair. Eeek!

    Oh, and thanks for the post. I was skeptical about using indigo on my hair and wasn't sure if it was "healthy" becuase I was getting so many mixed messages about it.

  45. My trouble is time to do all these things with and to my hair. I default to braids or a ponytail and thats weakening the front edges of my hair. :/

  46. Please free me of my dusty brown, dirty looking, lack of moisture, refusing to retain length but still trying to make it to BSL, hair color!!!!!

  47. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

    I am so glad for this challenge and actually I had started to fine-tune my regimen before the challenge was announced. Even still I knew that I was overdue for a trim. (It's been that crazy around here.) Well, to kick-start my challenge I took a trip to the salon on Dec. 30 to start off well. Let's just say that my ends had been split so that when I saw what was left of my hair I almost cried right then and there. Not because my hair didn't feel great because it did, but it seemed like all that growth/hair was in vain and I was set back to a point where my go-to styles were no longer achievable. After I washed my hair though, it felt so good and there was absolutely no shedding that I knew that this trim was worth it and the only way to start this challenge right, but it still stings a bit.

    I'm documenting my challenge experience on a page of my blog: http://artisticexpressionsbyelisabeth.blogspot.com/p/2011-hair-challenge.html

  48. I have been natural for almost 3yrs. My main concern is retaining lenght. I feel my hair lenght should be more. I contribute this to menopause. I notice more shedding than anything. My goal is to do your hair challenge and give it my all. I sometimes want to give up.

  49. I'm going on my 5th month of transitoning (plan on being a long transitioner), hair was falling out by the handfulls. Finally did a deep conditioning over the weekend and it has made all of the difference. Not sure what took me so long to do a DC. Been doing non stop research and just got tunnel vision I guess. I work from home, so I have been washing, conditioning, and putting between 3-4 cornrows in my hair til the weekend. Had a terrible time with knots, just figured out that I need to let me hair air dry and then braid, has made all the difference as well. I am learing, it's a process.

  50. Those single strand knots are beastly! The oil rinses you suggested have helped a lot (thanks for all the wonderful advice you put on this blog).

  51. I have had some issues with my dryness since I have been natural I had tried everything to try to correct the problem but recently I realized that my hair loves WATER. Now I make sure that I spray my hair nightly with water & buy products with water as the first or second ingredent in it. I also have increased my intake of water as well;it has helped my skin & my hair. I just wish I had realized this earlier.

  52. I am having a challenging time dealing with frizz. I hear some people say they have natural frizz. I'm trying to figure out if I'm one of those people. I can't wait for my hair to grow out of TWA length!!!

  53. ANaturalGirlsPlayListJanuary 4, 2011 at 3:24 PM

    Although I have dealt with many of the same issues as many other naturals on this journey, from moisture to shrinkage my biggest issue has been length and it does not have to do with length retention or does it?:). Because my hair is incredibly thin having length has been my only way to fake an amazing twist/braid out. I am so excited about the healthy hair challenge and the infomation I have acquired from your site and from everyone that leaves a comment. Hair thickness here I come:)

  54. Strange as it sounds my problem is not my hair itself, but my BUDGET. Ever since I got laid off last year, my hair has suffered because I have not been able to buy the products I used to use. Many DC's I have not been able to afford. I buy Silk Elements Megasilk Moisture treatment every 3 months, but it runs out in about one! V05 Strawberries and Cream mixed with grapeseed oil has been a great substitute in the meantime.

    Stay Blessed!

  55. For my birthday I decided to straighten my hair and get my ends clipped so I could see my length and do something a little different. That was 2 years ago. I thought I would have the versatility to go from straight to curly. No such luck. In re-learning how to deal with straight hair I caused heat damage and thus my ends remain straight and closer to the crown is curly. This does not a cute hairstyle make. I am excited about this journey BACK to healthy hair. I have had twists, twist outs, braided frohawks, TWA's, braids, the whole nine yards. I am gettin it back. Thanks MTM for the challenge. I am so up for it!

  56. my hair is shorter in the dead center of my head. awkwardddddddd -_-

    and my scalp itches like whoaaa and i can't seem to fix it. tried amla (once), got an ACV shampoo bar (used it once) and i use grapeseed and castor oil on my scalp. this is a new problem and it freaks me out.

  57. I've really been having a hard time finding indigo at my local Indian markets. I was able to locate the Jamila Henna which I purchased several boxes. However, when I inquire about the indigo they have no idea what i'm talking about. It's really hassle and I may have to resort to my last option which is: Ordering from the online source that you provided. Thanks for all the great tips. I really enjoy your blog:)

  58. My hair is damaged! I use the flat iron way too much. Also, my scalp is very oily, so I feel like I can't put anything in it until the day before wash day. I was told that, if I want to make my hair appear healthier, I need to dye it black. I tried using rinses, but to me I still see my natural dirty brown color, when I stand in light. I look forward to this hair challenge.

  59. Happy to have you back :] I've always wanted to try Henna! soo here goes... ;]

    I'm 13 months into my transition and the one thing I'm having the most problems with is detangling and breakage! Using my fingers hasn't really worked well for me. I LOVE my Jilbere comb, and I only use my Denman when styling and my hair is damp + leave-in. But no matter what, it seems like a TON of hair comes out of my comb/brush :[
    I'm trying to be more patient with detangling. And I'm going to start trying different ways to prevent my hair from tangling up terribly in the first place. Especially the way I take care of my hair before bed; I'm something like a wild thing at night and my hair does NOT like it LOL.

  60. My hair is thinning in the front around the edges but has very slowly started to come back but it has me wanting to do the big chop all over again which i already did 19 months ago....

  61. My hair issue is breakage and has been a problem for me in the past when I was relaxed and now as a natural. I've been reducing breakage by avoiding heat, protecting my ends, and moisturizing and sealing my hair.

  62. My hair is drier now since the weather has changed plus the crown of my hair aka the kitchen is much thicker than the rest of my hair and also drier so right now, I'm keeping my hair in braids to give my hair a much needed rest until at least February.

  63. i could write a novels that would become series on my hair woes.
    -the back has always been very fragile and shorter.
    -before: texture was wiry, thick, brittle and unmanageable
    -now: longer, but thinner and lacks the body i am used to.

    the biggest hurdle yet is managing my hair in my super busy schedule as an undergrad premed student. studying and research and extracurriculars leave me to neglect a lot of things, my hair among them.

    so in my junior year, promising to take better care of myself, and that includes my hair. building a reggie and sticking to it.. but i've yet to try henna gloss and indigo. but if it'll help stop breakage and restore my fullness.. I'M IN THERE!

  64. Since I went natural back in April of 09, I have experienced a lack of acceptance and understanding from those around me. From Black and non Black people, I get comments about how my hair would look better if it were straight, or if I used this product or that. I'm still trying to cope with how my hair has transformed into a public topic of conversation. I try to use those instances to educate others about what my aims are and how appearance and conformity aren't necessarily my aims. This giveawsy is very generous!!!

  65. I'm still having a bit of a problem with single strand knots. Since I have been wearing protective styles, they have reduced as of late but they are still there.

  66. I don't know if its my imagination but it seems like i have more shedding when my hair is air dried as opposed to when it is roller set. I have purchased henna in the past but was afraid to use it.

  67. Breakage around my nape area (I'm transitioning).

  68. I'll play. My biggest issue in the beginning was figuring out how to keep my hair moisturized. After some product/method trial and error, I've gotten that sorted.

    My biggest issue is curbing/eliminating breakage, which is why I'm keen to try henna. I don't have an enormous amount of breakage, but I do have very fine broken strands that I get after applying conditioner to my wet or damp hair. I also sometimes get little broken strands, while I'm styling. Protein treatments (including the infamous Aphogee 2 Step) haven't really done the trick to stop it.

  69. i did the big chop lat august after tran. for 10 months. I've seen alot of growth but soemtime my eyes and shrinkage gets the best of me, issues have been dryness, keeping and retaining moisture

  70. Dryness! Maintaining moisture in my TWA has been such a challenge.

  71. Hey Nikole,

    I have been checking many times a day since last Wednesday! I hope you feel better...
    Since my BC, I am and still have issues with breakage, fairy knots, a lot lot lot of shedding, and to top if off DRYNESS! I still don't know why I still have some hair on my head! I love jet black color and always wanted to try the indigo henna mix.

  72. My issues have been length retention. I have been growing my hair for years and dont have too much to show for it. This is my year though!!! Im in your challenge and I'm taking up an Ayurvedic regimen so I know things are really gonna change!

  73. "EXCUSE ME MISS...I"M THIRSTY!!!" Keeping my hair moisurized has been my biggest issue since deciding to go natural. I'm getting use to dealing with two textures so issues with moisture is somewhat becoming a thing of the past :)

  74. The biggest issue pertaining to my natural hair is always moisture and softness. The hair at the crown is brittle and always tangled. The crown is dryer than most of my hair and tends to grow slower than the rest... although I haven't had any problem with length retention. Another is fear of knots,because I get them quite frequent, eventhoug I do protect them at night and even when washing.

  75. Detangling--Hands down!! I hate doing it. My hair is so difficult to comb through even after finger detangling. I can also throw in there keeping my hair moisturized (especially now in the winter months).

  76. I cant seem to keep my hands out of my head. Twistouts, coilouts, twists, coils,it never fails they only last two days at the most,because I cant seem to keep my hands out of my head . HELP!!

  77. The biggest issue I've faced throughout my journey, is simply styling ruts. I sometimes just rely on my infamous bun, and it's getting quite boring! I feel blessed to have not experienced any severe issues, but I would definitely love to strengthen my hair, and continue to grow my hair longer.

  78. I'm transitioning from heat damage and I'm having a hard time to figure what works for my hair (styling, conditioning, etc) because of must horrible college student budget... And I don't really know what "healthy hair" is supposed to look or feel like.

  79. Nikole, let me tell you: my hair these days poses a serious fire hazard to anyone within a 10' radius. IT'S SO DRY! Plus it's a weird sandy-brown color so my mom says it always looks dirty :( I guess I've been reluctantly rocking the dusty tumbleweed look since I BC'ed in August! Still, chronically dry or not, I haven't looked back since I did the BC and I'm optimistic about the health of my hair in 2011! (I've been checking the blog religiously and am delighted to hear you're feeling better!)

  80. My biggest problem has been dryness and breakage.I have got to get it under control!:(

  81. Dryness! My hair is so dry. Seems like anything I use doesn't work.

    Nikki T

  82. The edges of my hair are suffering badly from insufficient knowledge. I used to wear weaves for longer than I should but was unaware of the damage it was causing. As a result I'm trying to grow back my nonexistent edges!!

  83. My biggest issue is styling...I've been rocking a wash and go since I big chopped April 16, 2009. Now that my hair is growing at a speed I cannot keep up with, it's becoming a bit of a hassle. I tried to do a braid out and a twist out and it just doesn't look right. My biggest fear is that my hair would only look good the day I take it out and then it's just wasted effort afterwards and I'll have to wash it out. I have faith though...I'll keep trying.

  84. I decided to go natural while living in Japan. I stopped wearing braids, which were costing me, on average, 300 USD. Living in a country where 99.98% of the population looks the same and has the same hair type (straight) has proven to be a big challenge. Curls are hated in Japan, people with curly hair buy expensive flat irons to "kill the curl."
    At salons, most hairdressers start shaking their heads the minute they see me coming through the doors or cower in fear that I will try to speak to them. This means that I now have to learn to trim (and cut) my hair on my own, and for someone who was used to having the simplest salon services, this is no easy task. I feel like my random S&D's do more damage than anything the untrained hairdressers will do my hair.

    I also have to order all my hair products online. It's not as simple to find inexpensive natural hair products on the ground as there is no Target or Walmart. Imagine paying $30 shipping on a $10 hair product.

  85. My issues now are dryness & breakage. It doesn't really get tangled that much since detangling is easy-breezy.. It's also really thin. That's genetics though since my mother and grandmother have thin hair as well. Hopefully this new twist out regimen will help hold in moisture.

  86. I have experienced dryness, frizz and growth over the summer from two strand twists. Those are my three, random experiences. I just henna'd for the first time last week and I am ready to do it again. Im anxious to see the results from long term use. I can say my hair feels stronger but it could be the new amla oil Im using as well. Either way, I love the wealth of knowledge you share for natural hair. Ive been natural for 5yrs and am doing the ayurvedic route for 2011!!! Happy hair growing to all. :-) ~Shelley Searcy

  87. In my hair journey I have experienced issues with really dry ends. I haven't been taking care of my ends like I should so I recently did a trim. THis has tremendously reduced the amount of breakage I experienced during wash sessions.

  88. Hello!
    Well I just did my big chop, and realized that I am terrified of my twa! So I braided my hair in individual braids recently. Glad to have hair on my head again, but I feel like I am not fully embracing my naturalness yet. The one thing I LOVE about my natural hair is that it is so much darker, which brings out my facial features a lot more and lets me play with make-up in ways I've never dared to before! YAY! But all in all, my biggest issue is my hair hates the dry Utah weather! I moved here for school last year and realized all my relaxed hair couldn't handle the dryness, which made it break off like straw. I've been dying to try henna treatments, but due to the lack of "culture" here, it's hard to find.
    Love your blog! Pick me! LOL

  89. Great give away!

    I started my transitional journey last year in March. My biggest woe is dry hair and porosity issues. Now that it's winter I'm wearing it straight as long as possible before co-washes which seems to help. I have a goal of BSL by my wedding this coming August so hopefully with my dedicated healthy hair regimen I will reach it.


  90. Shedding is my biggest issue. I've tried so many thing - coffee, tea, garlic. Nothing seems to work. :(

  91. My ends are weird sometimes. The hair in front is more or less dry & back are super soft & hydrated & the curls are so beautiful but not the front of my hair weird. Two textures I guess. :)


  92. I am transitioning to natural now and my three biggest issues have been:

    1. Learning hairstyles that will work for me. I'm not a weave or wig chica and my hair's thick in the natural parts and thin in the relaxed parts; so, my issues have been with blending both textures without looking like a hot mess.

    2. Split-end paranoia and knowing the real difference between healthy and bad ends. I haven't used heat on my hair since May 2010 and I moisturize and seal twice a day. So, I should be okay; but, you never know.

    3. My budget and product junkyism. One of my hair resolutions is to keep both in check by keeping it simple. We shall see!

    Peace and Love.

  93. Split ends! That's the biggest issue I'm facing now and have since forever! I can trim regularly and a few weeks later I'm plagued with the problem again. And lately I've been experiencing a lot of dryness. Nevertheless I'm still a firm believer int his natural thing! I love it!


  94. I didn't intend to go natural. I had a short fro that I would wet every day in the shower, throw on some conditioner and call it a day. And then I discovered YouTube and decided to begin a healthy natural journey. It wasn't until later on when I experienced more growth that I realized how damaged my ends were. I had to cut off that first 4-5 inches in order to have healthy hair. And so my struggle has been the preservation of my ends. Keeping the oldest parts of my hair moisturized and protected. It's been a long journey but it's not over yet, and I wouldn't change it for the world:-)

  95. I have been having issues with single strand knots..I don't think I have been retaining length like a should...

  96. I have been transitioning for over 7 months now and it has been a very interesting and insightful journey. The most difficult thing is caring for two different textures and try to avoid shedding of my relaxed ends.

    I try to do styles that compliment my natural hair, like twists out etc but it I still have major shedding.

    I made the decision to go natural because of my seborrheic dermatitis which affects my skin and scalp and also I wanted healthy hair. It has been much better since I stopped relaxing my hair and I cannot wait to get rid of my relaxed ends and have my natural hair. :)

  97. One major issue for me was making sure that I kept my hair moisturized. I have had natural hair for most of my life but just recently started learning to take care of it. I made the mistake of using a box color a couple of years ago and reapplying it incorrectly a couple of times. I am now in the process of growing the color out and seriously trying to pamper my hair.
    I have noticed slight breakage but I trim once in a blue moon to curb it.

    Another big problem in relation to healthy hair was a poor diet.


  98. Styling would be my biggest trouble. As of now I am doing a wash and go, but the cold weather leaves me not wanting to wet my hair daily. Right now my crop is a bit to short to do braid/twist outs...so Im on the prowl for some other ideas.

  99. My biggest issue is dryness; of the scalp but most especially at the ends. I have to keep snipping off the ends because they get very dry and then tangled. Combing through leads to the hair breaking so I have to just trim the ends so I don't end up pulling all the hair out. With the constant trimming I'm unable to retain length.

  100. I think my biggest struggle has been retaining length or so it seems. I think I hate having to trim and then before I know it...its time to trim again and it seems like I haven't gained any length. I think I need to give my hair a break for a few months and wear a protective style (which is what I'm doing now). :D

  101. one of my biggest issues is dry ends, lol, i know pretty simple, but it is what it is :).

  102. February 2011 marks 1 year that I've been 100% natural! Yea me! but, my hair is very dry in the back and shrinks up so bad. The front/middle of my hair is beautiful I just wish my whole head was the same texture.

    I entered your 2011 challenge so we'll see how my hair texutre will change based on the everyother day mositurizing and weekly deep conditions.

  103. Some of my biggest issues doing my journey......frizzing and puffing hair, dryness, and length retention. I am currently at APL but the goal is all BSL. My (split) ends costs me inches. I am the closest I've ever been to my length goal. Looking forward to your challenge to push me over the top (or in my case over the bra strap) - LOL! Thanks for all you offer!

  104. I love my hair. It's grown a lot since I started my natural journey. Right now, I'm experiencing pesky single strand knots, which I have to clip away. I actually like my hair more, and feel more empowered knowing that I can take care of my hair on my own, and enjoy my natural beauty.

  105. My biggest struggles with my hair are extensive tangles and numerous single strand knots. I am tired of trimming because I feel I am not retaining length because of it :(

  106. I'm natural, but I've been pressing my hair every 2 weeks for the past 2 years. Because of this, my hair is very dry and brittle. I try not to go too long without straightening my hair because I fear that wearing it in my natural, kinky state will cause tons of breakage. (It has happened to me on several occassions).

  107. My biggest issue has been length retention, as prior to discovering this blog I knew nothing about protective styling! Also, keeping moisture in my hair was also a major issue, as I didn't realize how important deep conditioning was. Glad I know about these now, hopefully I will see some length soon. (lynn.b0215@gmail.com) :)

  108. I have issues with dry and frizzy hair, can't seem to keep it moisturized.

  109. The biggest issue I've experienced being natural would be accepting MY curl pattern. It's easy to see curls out there and obsess over them... but learning to love and embrace MY curls has been key for me. Like most I have a few textures of hair and good/bad hair days... just knowing that my hair is MINE and loving it no matter what it's looking like that day has been wonderful.

  110. My struggle is perfecting my wash n go. I guess really just the shrinkage...but that's just the nature of natural hair.

  111. My #1 hair issue is my addiction to scissors! I've been natural for three years and my hair is just reaching my collarbones because I've banned all haircuts. I thought my hair had to be but every few weeks to keep split ends away but I was really just chopping my hair off. 2011 is the year I decided to just let it grow!

  112. My hair frustration now is I'm attempting to grow my hair to APL but my battle is single strand knotting.I'm fighting but Lord I need a break.

  113. My struggle has been defining my curls and single strand knots..still can't get rid of all of those single stand knots..working on it..

  114. welcome back!

    my biggest hair issue is split ends. I can trim and trim and still get them.

  115. I decided to go natural,after considering it for many years, last year when I noticed my crown thinning. I would love to use the henna to strengthen my hair.

  116. I start to experience single stranded knots. So far whenever l see one l just cut it with my scissors. I still learning about how l can solve this issue.

  117. I have been natural for 4 years and for 3 of those years my hair has been the same length..APL!!! I can't retain length past this length. I'm focusing on protective styling this year and hopefully seeing a difference.

  118. First and foremost, I would like to extend a Happy New Years to all. I am soo thankful for the information that I have learned via this medium. I have struggled for years with my hair-I tried braids, weaves, relaxers, etc. I remember trying to go natural in 2003. I covered it up with braids because I didn't know what to do about my breakage issues, and my dryness. I spent years since then alternating and trying weaves where my stylist would relax the front part of my hair. Through seeing a friend of mine's facebook page, and her natural journey, I began looking at videos on youtube, and came across Nichole's page, and hence this blog. This changed my life. From late August-Early September I made a decision to reclaim my identity. WIth this, I began my journey towards taking care of my natural hair. I am so happy to have learned so much, and I am on my journey to gaining waist length hair in tne next 2 years...this is my ultimate goal-waist length hair. Though, I am still having some issues with single strand knots..it is getting better though but not at a rate that I would like. Also, I akin my hair to the Saharan desert-it's extremely dry.

    All the best to everyone on their individual journeys!

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. My issues are that I need to take care of my hair on a very limited budget, finding new, interesting hairstyles, and taming my tightly, coiled curls

  121. My issue(s)...protective styling and resisting the urge to flat iron. Sadly, I lack the courage for a "big chop" and my current neck length, asymmetrical bob is quite difficult to style as I transition. I've experimented with braid/twist-outs and found that the relaxed portion of my hair falls after the first day.

  122. My hair really can be dry and frizzy at times; that's why I can't wait to get started on your ayurvedic approach to hair care. I really hope that it helps combat those issues, as well as help with achieving thickness and length.

  123. I have experience a lot of breakage and knotted ends of my curly hair.

  124. Issues I've experienced along this hair journey is coping with shrinkage, dry hair, and learning to work with my twa...been fustrating at times, but I'm getting the hang of it!!

  125. WOW! Thanks for the giveaway. I've only tried henna twice and it was not BAQ quality product so I am excited to try the "good stuff." I love your blog and when I first discovered it last summer, I read the entire thing in about a week...needless to say, I'm so excited for the recent successes that have caused you to be sooo busy. But I get a little salty when I don't get my MTM fix every few days! more posts por favor! xoxo

    Jada from NYC

  126. My biggest issue is thinning hair after breastfeeding for two years. At least that is i think the culprit is. I feel like my baby sucked all the nutrients out of my body. Before i was pregnant my hair was so thick. now it seems thin and stringy. My hair grows, its past BSL. but its so much thinner now. I just weaned my baby now i'm trying to thicken my hair up.

  127. I have really dry hair and my hair breaks and sheds like a dog.

  128. Currently I'm Transitioning and the hardest for me is to not give in to relaxing it. I'm 10 months post my last relaxer! I wont give up! My goal is to go 1 year before I cut it! Wish me luck :O)

  129. I have been transitioning since May 2010. I am currently experiencing a lot of hair breakage and frizz. I am still searching for products that work for my hair.

  130. biggest issue is not being a product junkie - you hear all these awesome products and you want to spend your money on everything but i've found a good routine with a few staple products for each necessity and i've finally curbed my need to spend.

  131. My hair gets really dry especially the crown area it is also very fragile because it is fine on top of that my 3 different textures Im finding hard to deal with curly and more defined in the back, wavy and frizzy in the front and hardl any definition and frizz in the middle lol it has been challenging :)

  132. I have been transitioning since May 2010. I am currently experiencing a lot of hair breakage and frizz. I am still searching for products that work for my hair.

  133. I hit my one month natural hair anniversary yesterday. I transitioned for 8 months. Right now, my issue/concern is that when I detangle,I have little tiny curls that break off. It's just the very ends of my hair and it's not a lot by any means. I just wanted to know if you experienced this or is there anything that can help. I detangle with a lot of conditioner and a shower detangling comb.

  134. I started my journey in March 2010 so I've run into many issues lol. I started out a product junkies so that has been my greatest battle: trying to figure out what truly works for my hair. I attend college in Cambridge, MA so there is a lack of affordable and accessible places for me to purchase hair products as a student. I learned to purchase in bulk and became a member of the co-op market and frequent WholeFoods <3. I've also had issues with single strand knots!!! Argh. I finally invested in shears and adapted your detangling method while learning to become even more gentle with my hair. I've fallen in love with your DIY section and made a cute rosette clip just last night so this is also cutting back on my hair care expenses. My next step is to experiment with henna!

  135. I big chopped about two months ago and I am still having an issue with keeping my hair moisturized. As soon as I rinse out the conditioner my hair becomes very fuzzy. I also need to find a creamy conditioner and leave in that is organic. The conditioner that I have now, as soon as I put a good amount in my 3 inches of hair it feels like I put nothing on it. My hair is so greedy!!

  136. Been natural since November 2009, my biggest issue, and I notice when I keep up with it my hair is its healthiest: TRIMMING. If i make sure I trim my hair every 3 months (and attack single strand knots with scissors when needed) I retain more length. :-)

    Henna treatments once a month also help alot!

  137. My hair issues are dryness and finding a suitabe product that provides moisture--we really do appreciate this giveaway and instruction.

  138. Hello ladies! During my 7month natural hair journey I have faced three challenges. Which are single strand knots, dryness, and flat twisting. After 5 months I still can't flat twist lol
    -erica c.

  139. Wow, there are a lot of comments. I always see all of your pics and swear we are friends (only in my head) cause we both live in SoCal. Anyway, my nemesis is single strand knots! I get them all of the time and a majority of the time my hair is in twists. I also had some heat damage during the last straightening epi, so now it's back to protective styling!

  140. My hair continues to be completely dry since my last relaxer in 2007. I have had two It does not matter what i used, its is porous and dry. There have been times it looks so hydrate, but most of the time its dry. I had lots of breakage and frizz which i would blame it on heat damage and dryness. I've been cutting my ends to hopefully get rid of heat damage.

  141. Hello Nikole, how are you? Happy New Year, by the way! The biggest problem I had last yea was split ends, breakage & frizz. I also experienced single strand knots, and my hair would easily matte down. So after months of frustration I decided to chop it all off again, which leaves with my a ceasar/fade cut. But I plan to take extreme precautions to keep my hair heathly as much as possible this go-round.

  142. During my journey, I have had severe breakage in the crown area. As well as, shedding, knots and tangles. I have since learned how to manage protein/moisture balance. This helped me reduce both issues.

  143. My biggest peoblem that I have til this day is moisture. My negligence for moisture has put my hair in such a breakage period that it's starting to worry me. Getting back to what my hair was prior to me not knowing how to moisturize my hair seems almsot impossible and I'm worried.

  144. That is awesome! I really need that!

    I just recently cut my relaxer out a few months ago, and my hair may be about 2" length wise. I am dealing with dryness, because I am not able to buy hair products. My mother doesn't have the money to buy really good hair products and oils, so I have been washing my hair with shower gel, and i'm not sure if that is healthy for my hair. :///////

    I wash my hair every morning to keep is moistened and i try putting grease in my hair but for some reason it makes my hair feel gooey and things get in my hair. And in two hours after I wash my hair during the day, at school my hair gets really dry, and it sheds.

  145. my enemy is old man winter >:< its hard to maintain moisture in the bitter cold. protective styles and heavy butters helps ALOT!!

  146. Where do i start... My hair is super thick, always seems dry and dull.. Since i have been %100 natural i get, what seems like 1,000 single strand knots, As i get closer to bra strap length.....Sometimes i want to throw my hands up and give up...

  147. I've been natural for over 4 years, and my biggest issue is sticking to a simple hair care routine. I am embarking on the Hair Challenge to retain length, build shine and prevent knots.

  148. The toughest part was wearing a weave for 2 yrs (back to back installs) in order to "grow out" my relaxer..then relaxing my newly natural hair the day after I decided to go weave free.. I went to a stylist who didn't know how to press..my hair reverted as soon as I left the salon. Out of frustration and defeat I relaxed the next day..only to go back in weaves for another 2 yrs in order to grow out the relaxer again! LOL..

  149. @Illa, what kind of grease are you putting in your hair? Certain types of grease attract dirt and may give you that gooey feeling. There are a lot of affordable oils that you can put the money you used on the relaxer towards. Jojoba is relatively cheap and a little bit goes a long way. You should also try the suave products. Their naturals line is pretty good and extremely affordable. I remember purchasing a bottle of their conditioner (tropical coconut) for 79cents at walgreens. This will also help with the dryness. Hope this helps! Congrats on the big chop!

  150. Even though I've been natural for almost 8 years, I still find myself struggling with maintaining a routine for my hair once it gets past a certain length; I forget that the longer it gets, the more maintenance, love and patience it needs to continue to flourish. I'm so looking forward to this Healthy Hair Challenge! Bra-strap length here I come, baby!

  151. my biggest problem has been dryness. im learning that my hair absolutely loves water. I do however foresee a problem when it comes to making out time to spend on my hair...

  152. Some issues that I have experienced during my hair journey was actually learning how to care for my natural hair. I did the big chop 10 months ago and I'm still learning how to handle my hair with care, style it while trying to keep it moisturized and healthy.
    I also thought as it grew it would be easier to style but it takes a lot longer and i'm finding it to be lot more fragile as it gets longer.
    I'm enjoying my natural hair and thank you for continuing to educate us with your blog.

  153. I have learned that less is more with my hair. It likes a good condish, my shea mix, water, henna, and to be left alone!

  154. My issue is that my hair gets to a certain length and just stays there. It's mainly because of split ends. I trim but as soon as I've trimmed (up to 3 or 4 inches in a trim)I still see the half moons falling out of my hair when I comb.
    So I'm currently doing protective styles because a few weeks ago I went crazy and chopped like half my hair off. I see ppl with healthy hair like yourself and Curly Nikki profess to the benefits of henna. So I would like to give it a try.

  155. My hair issue is dry scalp! i have tried everything and nothing seems to help permanently the ACV worked but only short term i did not want my head smelling like vinegar all the time. Also my hair seems to fall flat at the top and curl at the bottom , not sure why !! I am hoping the henna will restore some sort of permanent color to my hair as well as add some moisture!

  156. my hair been at the same state for the longest time..mainly bc it so dry, its keeps breaking bc of the split ends and shedding...i need to maintain a protective style and regular regimes but having products like henna to help restore my hair...

  157. hi mop top maven! ive only been natural 1 year i big chopped at 15 and i think ive experience every problem that a chica with natural hair can experience: one strand knotts, horrible split ends, heat damage you name it. i actually started using henna a while ago and while the red is beautiful black suits me better i originally planned on buying both henna nd indigo but i could only get the henna and its amazing stuff! i loe your blog btw it has helped me alot!! luv u girl!

  158. It took me a full year AFTER I started really learning about my natural hair that daily "Wash and go's" were not my friend. Now, I do stretched styles regularly, and my hair is amazing. Though, I am still a work in progress...

  159. My issue now is my hair is breaking now more than ever! I have reached bra strap length hair, however my hair seems to be getting weaker. although it still is thick, I am noticing more and more breakage when i detangle and my ends are drying out quicker (bc of the cold weather). I am looking forward to trying henna to help condition my hair better and to strengthen it.

  160. I've been transitioning for more than a year, but during most of that time, I was wearing weaves, wigs, and extensions. When I finally decided to treat and style my hair by myself, I would blow-dry it every week on the highest setting, and I rarely put moisturizer in my hair.

    After about a month of these horrendous styling methods, I noticed that my ends were breaking off, and my hair was extremely dry! I've decided to cut out the heat, and give some TLC back to my hair. I'm super excited for this healthy hair challenge :)

  161. Hi Nikole! Happy New Year!!! Learning what my hair likes and doesn't like or what it responds to well has been an exciting albeit sometimes frustrating challenge. Also, learning how to keep my hair very moisturized and finding new ways to style my hair!

  162. I have been having issues with retaining my length!


  163. the problem i have faced with my natural hair was color damage done by a "professional" at a salon that i then had to go to another stylist to get it corrected due to the damage my hair snapped off and now the color is almost gone. now it time to get it back to healthy strong hair

  164. The main issue with my hair is it's extremely dry and itchy. I'm trying to figure out how much my eczema plays into this.

  165. Happy New Year! What a great giveaway. I have experienced issues with breakage, single strand knotting, and dryness. I think my hair would rather be worn in stretched styles vs. the all too familiar slick edges w/a puff.

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. I decided to go natural in May and have been transitioning ever since. I've been using weave to keep my hair braided until my hair is long enough to cut off all of my relaxed hair. I'm excited to start wearing my hair naturally but my hair is VERY textured, grows very slowly, and I'm not sure how to style it because I've had hair battles for some time now. I also am facing the challenge of managing my hair while in college, surrounded by girls who don't understand ethnic hair and with a lack of knowledge of how to maintain it. help please!


  168. So I was transitioning for about 7months until i got tired of washing my hair and seeing the fragile permed ends clogging up my sink so I decided to BC. I went to my hair dresser who i hadn't seen the whole 7 months because I was doing my own thang ( rocking braids for about 3 months and experimenting on different styles). She didn't understand why I wanted to cut my hair but I had to inform her it isn't her Choice its MINE!! SO I cut-it all off and have been really treating my hair with the Tender love and Care it deserves:)

  169. Honestly, I have not really met with any problems that I could not deal with. My hair rises about 5 inches off my head and detangling is a breeze. The first real struggle was the beginning of winter [my 1st natural winter]. I thought people were exaggerating when they said that it was so difficult to retain moisture; boy was I suprised! My hair was sooo dry. I rememdied that my keeping my hair in twists/twistouts [redoing them & re-moiturizing regularly] :)

  170. Though I've been natural my entire life--because of my mom's persistence to never allow me to perm my hair. Moving to college has brought new challenges. All my mom knew was grease and plaits. But, now I have to take care of my own hair.
    I've been trying to develop a regimen. A major problem is that my hair is extremely knotty and dry. I'm not completely sure what part of my regimen went wrong- so, I'm just changing things up as I go.
    I've heard about using Henna to strengthen and thicken hair. And I would love to try that!

  171. I've been natural going on two years now and my main problems have been dry spells and damaged ends.

  172. I love my natural hair but hate SSK,split ends, tangles and dryness. My goal is to retain more length since I have major shrinkage.I am no stranger to henna but I prefer black hair. MTM you are the bomb! Keep up the positive and creative vibes. I am inspired to be and do more. Thanks!

  173. Dryness has always been an issue and I just did my BC and my hair has been craving moisture.

  174. i've been natural for 9 months and my biggest issue is dryness. i recently dyed my hair black and it's helped a little (very little). i hear henna and indigo is good for luster, so i definitely need this giveaway.

  175. My hair is growing unevenly and I am having a lot of trouble with dry ends (no matter how much I moisturize...).

  176. I really wanted to do a long transition, but I am struggling with the lack of hairstyles I can have while I am at work (Active Duty Air Force).

  177. I am having trouble retaining length. Slowly I am seeing growth as I implement the various suggestion from your website. Thank you for all your research and helpful tips!

  178. I am impatient with the damaged ends, I have about 1/4 inch of new growth and I'm torn whether I should just chop to promote hair growth but I'm overweight and self conscience when it comes to the short hair because of my weight :(

  179. This comment has been removed by the author.

  180. I'm learning the true art of my natural mane (a true hair journey I tell you). I have been rocking protective styles for over 10 years. I need all the help I can get, this challenge is truly my hair life line. My hair is ultra dry, very fine, multiple lengths and coarse at the same time if that makes sense. My edges are a mess (from tight braids)!!...I need a serious hair haul!! I have been natural for 6 years. In between the braids (I was getting my hair pressed/hot combed). Not a good idea because my hair hates heat and I'm just realizing that because my hair broke off so much!!!!.... Now I have a weave (for the first time)...My edges are out (my edges need plenty of rest) ....I'm so **FRUSTRATED**....I want to take this weave out to give my hair the proper nourishment it needs. I can't do it without HELP!!!...My hair is stressed out!!! Help me save it pleazzzzz...!! I beg of you, hear my cry!!!!! If I had to classify my hair type I would say kinky 4a with some 3a/b/c...I don't know what to do..And that's why I've joined this challenge!!!!

  181. I transitioned for 7 months and BC'd on 6-3-10. I just discovered that I have many single strand knots :( I need to keep my hair moisturized and try more protective styles like twist outs and braid outs. I am very excited to begin this healthy hair journey!

  182. My biggest challenge has been keeping my ends in tact. I have to make an effort to moisturize and give them the attention they need.

  183. Dry hair & single strand knots...ugh the worst! I started making sure I had scissors near me at all times because I have a habit of getting rid of my knots with my hands :( But still loving my natural hair!! :)

  184. Eventhough I loved my pink bangs, the bleach damage I had was much worse than I expected. I feel like I'm transitioning all over again since the new growth is nothing like the damaged hair.

  185. I'm struggling with very little growth, dryness, and itchy scalp. I'm trying to stick with this because I know it's better than the alternative(relaxer). Thanks for all your hair tips and reviews, it really, really helps.

  186. I have found that I need to protective style more often, I knot if I wear my hair out. I also have experienced so much growth when I began doing my hair in sections in anything from detangling, washing, conditioning, and styling. I am also open to trying new things with my hair that I was not comfortable with when I big chopped 3 years ago, I'd love to try henna, I have been studying the benefits and have admired the lush and shiny results I see on your blog and on other naturals as well. In my natural journey I have found that I am not alone and I feel inspired and learn so much when I see other naturals sharing their experiences, pictures of their hair, and their hair care routines online it helps me so out so much when I need some inspiration or help with my hair.

  187. I have been natural for seventeen years: I've had three sets of locks and have big chopped more times than I can accurately recall. The main issues I've had are premature graying (hint, hint), single strand knots, excessive dryness in certain parts ( I have about four different textures), and split ends out of nowhere. I love my natural hair, nonetheless!

  188. My natural hair journey is still in its first year. I BC'd in March of 2010, but I believe I did it prematurely. I was so excited at the thought of revealing my natural hair, that I snipped it without thinking out my plan thoroughly. Since my BC, I have aimed for stronger, longer hair. The biggest problem that I have observed is dryness. I am constantly moisturizing my hair… and it always feels brittle. I would love the henna to soften my strands.

  189. I've experienced hair breakage for about a year from relaxer damage and abusing hair colour so henna might be a good addition to my regimen

    I have a question though: how often can henna be applied to relaxed hair and is it meant to be used before or after a relaxer? Thanks in advance :)

  190. i have to say the biggest issue for me with natural hair has been dryness. I've been seriously exercising over the past few months so I wear my hair in kinky twists - it's even harder to moisturize in this style.


  191. Issues I have experienced along my natural hair journey are the single strand knots. I get them mostly on my sides and I hate pulling them out with my fingers as it breaks the hair but I honestly can't stand them. I also have some naturally straight hair which I don't necessarily like as majority of my hair is curly. I also take the scissors to those hoping they are just pieces of permed hair I missed but they grow back straight again. The single strand knots are the worst for me right now and I am still trying to figure out how to do away with them :/...Thanks!

  192. My challenge is finding the right combination of product to make my curls pop. I have had some success using a homemade whipped Shea butter recipe and two stranded twist out but I still am looking for the pow pow but I'll keep trying;)

  193. I am now heading into my 8th month transitioning. I am having difficulty blending my two textures, but at least I have managed to keep my hair moisturized. I am thinking of wearing a protective style, since I've been working out a lot. Until then I am trying to achieve the perfect braid-out.

  194. Single. Strand. Knots. *screams* Oh my goodness. It's driving me bonkers. Since I put in braids I'm taking this hair break to revamp my artillery for when they come out in march. More protein treatments for sure.

  195. I have had problems with shedding, breakage, and dryness. I am just past my 7th month of transitioning.

  196. I've experienced excessive shedding, and hair being dry.

  197. Hi Nikole! Thanks to your blog my hair issuses, at this point, are pretty much non existing. I found combos that work for me and my hair is much healthier than it was 2 years ago.
    I'm iterested in doing the henna/ indigo process but too chicken! Looking forward to the challenge. Love your jewlery line...own 50% of your earring! Keep up the awesome work!

  198. Henna and indigo...here I come! I can't wait to have silky jet black hair. Crossing my fingers!

  199. I can't believe I have been natural for over 10 years now. And only now am I committing to a healthy hair care regimen. That has been my biggest challenge: Learning how to care for my natural hair myself. But....in 2010 I discovered natural haircare videos on YouTube!!!
    Now through YouTube, twitter and natural haircare blogs I am empowered. Thank you.

  200. CRAZY breakage on my fine curly strands!! I have to balance my protein && conditioning and be extra gentle with my it!
